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A picture uploaded in a post shows up for some but not others?

David N.
Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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A user posted a picture. It shows up for me but someone says they're not seeing it (seeing an empty .png instead). 

When I click the picture, it opens an image viewer with a broken image link, as below. 

When I edit the post, I see the picture but not the attached file? 

Could contain: Screen, Electronics, Computer Hardware, Hardware, Monitor, Pc, Computer, File

Here's the post: https://www.logicprohelp.com/forums/topic/146421-audio-tracks-will-not-play-when-attempting-to-count-in-or-punch-in-parts/#comment-849115

Edited by David N.
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1 minute ago, Marc Stridgen said:

That is indeed a broken image, but doesnt look like it was attached on that post. I suspect its been linked from an attachment elsewhere and that post has since been deleted (along with the attachment)

The strange thing is that users can't delete their own posts, only I can, and I did not delete a post containing that image. I'll ask the poster if he knows anything. 

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