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Gallery images with notes uploaded on IPB 3.x fail to render


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I have some gallery images that are failing to load with


[[Template gallery/front/view/imageFrame is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

even on the default theme.

In the DB the image_notes column is serialized using PHP serialization rather than JSON:

 a:1:{i:0;a:6:{s:2:"id";s:32:"f8ea194da97843715f1a41ceae34e3a9";s:3:"top";i:343;s:4:"left";i:76;s:5:"width";i:52;s:6:"height";i:52;s:4:"note";s:42:"Crucial M55 and 8GB of Corsair Vengeance. ";}}

which throws off the deserialization in \IPS\gallery\Image::get__notes and subsequently the \count( $image->_notes ) in imageFrame.phtml.

This seems to be the case for all of the images with an image_date value prior to Jan 2016 (when we upgraded from IPB 3.x to IPS 4.x) that have a non-empty image_notes column.

I am fixing them manually for my site, although it's definitely not a high priority issue because it has presumably been an issue for years.

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