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403 Forbidden Error

Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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Hi there

We recently transferred our site to a new hosting provider to comply with PHP8 and are having some issues when posting content

The 403 Forbidden error is happening specifically when trying to post content that converts a forum hyperlink into a preview. If we remove the preview and have just the hyperlink the content posts fine.

I also tried to edit a post to have the preview and the forum says

"This comment can no longer be edited. It may have been moved or deleted, or too much time may have passed since it was posted for it to be edited."

I read some of the problems that others were having and tried mod_security which didn't seem to work.

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So it has happened for a few people and the only way I can fix it is by disabling mod_security altogether which doesn’t seem to be recommended. 

Is it OK from an Invision Community perspective? We have it installed to a subdomain and disabled it at that level. The forum is the only thing installed at that subdomain. 

Or should we be using the whitelist approach? If so, what are the main things that need to be whitelisted?

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As we arent your hosting provider, its not really a question we can answer. We can only say that mod_security is blocking some things incorrectly. Whether or not you have to have it enabled is something for you to discuss with your hosting company

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