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Problems after upgrading to php 8.1

Thomas Hop

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We recently tried to upgrade the php version of our community from 7.4 to 8.1, after checking the compatibility scanner and fking the few issues we found, we thought that we were able to switch easily. However after we switched, our whole community is broken.  

And we are wondering if maybe we missed something while upgrading. Currently when you go to the community the only thing that happens is that a blank 0kb file is downloaded. We were able to login to the AdminCP, however after clearing the cache (via the button) the AdminCP is also broken.

We enabled in_dev, this resulted in a lot of error messages, the strange thing about this however is that when we compare a fresh install with locally (running on php 8.1) and the version on the server, is that the code that faulty is the same as on the locally run version which works. 

Can you guys maybe help us further in fixing this? Thanks in advance. 

Kind Regards,

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4 minutes ago, Thomas Hop said:

Currently when you go to the community the only thing that happens is that a blank 0kb file is downloaded

That sounds like a server configuration issue, I'm not sure what could cause that though.

5 minutes ago, Thomas Hop said:

We enabled in_dev, this resulted in a lot of error messages, the strange thing about this however is that when we compare a fresh install with locally (running on php 8.1) and the version on the server, is that the code that faulty is the same as on the locally run version which works. 

I would recommend uploading our requirements checker to see if your PHP 8.1 build has everything required - 


Also, I would just like to note that you should not upload or use developer mode on a production site.

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