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Issue with next unread topic link


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I believe there is an Issue with next unread topic link. 

I've seen this happen quite a few times, so I am reporting it. It just happened now again.

I was reading a few new posts and then I saw the NEXT UNREAD TOPIC was no longer visible. So, I thought that I was done reading new ones. But no, there were new unread topics that were posts since I started to read the new topics when I clicked on the unread messages stream.

It seems that the system will not detect the newest topics, the new ones submitted before the date of the last topic being read.

This issue has happened quite a few times. Happened just now again..I can see more than 10 new unread topics and the last unread topic I was reading didn't have the NEXT UNREAD MESSAGE link visible.


Sometimes it also happens that the next unread topic link is no longer visible when the new topics belong to another user. That is, I start reviewing new topics from user X, let's say 10..the last topic from user X is reached and the next unread message link will no longer be shown. There will be new messages, but they belong to other users. 

Thanks a lot. 


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17 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

It would check if there is another unread topic at the point you open that topic. Have these not been posted since you opened the topic?

Let me explain again and ask questions to learn if this is done on purpose.

In my understanding, the NEXT UNREAD TOPIC, should read ANY unread topic regardless of which one you start reading. if there is an unread topic or post.

There are X unread topics.

  1. I click on ANY of the unread topics
  2. I review them, like then or comment
  3. Next unread topic, next, next....
  4. Oops... there are no more unread topics

I choose to see all the activity or the unread stream, and there they are... 40 new posts or topics 😞 It happened again right now. Early in the morning. I start reading the new topics/comments and then I see the next unread topic link is no longe there. I believe I am done... nope, I am not done, still 40 more to read when I check the /discover/unread/ messages.

Second problem... it happened now AGAIN...

I clicked on the /discover/unread/ stream... I see there are still new posts... I start again... 😞

  • I review X number of unread posts all from the same user
  • Then I no longer see the next unread message

No more??? Yes... there are more... the list of unread messages stopped because there were NO more unread topics from the same user 😞

There are still 4 left to be read from two different users.

So... the next unread message "function" is not working properly. This has happened to me like 100 times in the last months. I just didn't report it because I didn't give it "any importance" but it's happening again and again.

Edited by OptimusBain
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Spent a while trying to replicate this, and dont seem to be able to replicate it myself unfortunately. Is this consistent enough for you to be able to screenshot both the topic you are on (and provide URL) and also the results of your unread stream when you check and its said no topics? Just wondering if I may be able to see something on that screen to point us in the right direction

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1 hour ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Spent a while trying to replicate this, and dont seem to be able to replicate it myself unfortunately. Is this consistent enough for you to be able to screenshot both the topic you are on (and provide URL) and also the results of your unread stream when you check and its said no topics? Just wondering if I may be able to see something on that screen to point us in the right direction

It happens to me almost every day. I start reviewing the unread messages, the stream stops and I can't see the next unread message.

I then click on the unread stream and I see there are a bunch of them still unread. It happens almost every day. Not always, but it happens very often as I explained in detail in my previous posts. It's a common thing, not a rare one.

When it happens again, I will try to document it step by step with screenshots.

Edited by OptimusBain
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9 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

If you could that would be helpful in determining what is happening, so we can get you a resolution

It happened again now, second time in the same day. There were a bunch of unread messages. I was using the next unread topic link, and then I reached a post without the link at the bottom. See screenshot.

Topic URL /topic/30345-bullish-tl-351/


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The I go to the unread stream and I see there are new posts. Four new posts.. See screenhot. /discover/unread

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On 9/14/2022 at 11:47 AM, Marc Stridgen said:

Is there any possibility you have been on that topic for 8 minutes or more? I ask as I notice in the last screenshot it was posted 8 minutes before.

Nope. I spend less than 5-10 seconds on each post. They are just images I need to correct. It's impossible that I spend even one minute 😞

It has happened today 3-4 times again. I read a few new posts.. then the last post of USER X was reached and the next 10-12 unread posts were NOT detected and the next unread topic did not show up. It happens every day 😞

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7 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Ive flagged for a developer to review this ticket to see if there is anything obvious here, before we create a ticket on it

Thanks a lot. On my side, it happens every day all the time. I "got used" to it but it should not be like that.

I see the stream of new unread posts. I start from the first or from the middle. 

  • Sometimes it just stops once the stream of a certain user's posts ends
  • Others, it will continue until X and not display the NEXT UNREAD TOPIC link

As I said, it happens every day a few times. Thanks a lot.

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