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IP range used by remoteservices.invisionpower.com?

Rune Backman

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We are configuring new development and staging environments of our forum and since both environments are restricted to only our IPs, we struggle to sign in to Invision Marketplace from the Admin CP.

I'm already familiar with the solution in this topic but if possible, I would need to know the IP range used by remoteservices.invisionpower.com. 

We successfully tried allowing one IP a couple of months ago but changing the setup every time the IP changes is not a long term solution.


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6 minutes ago, Rune Backman said:

We successfully tried allowing one IP a couple of months ago but changing the setup every time the IP changes is not a long term solution.

This is actually the reason you need to allow the domain name and not the IP associated with it. This can change at any point, and there is no guarentee of that being within a set range.

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Thanks for the reply. Yeah, we figured that the IP is dynamically changing but the IP range should still be fixed.

We'll look into how to allow that domain instead but unfortunately it seems way more complex to configure that in our current setup in AWS WAF compared to just allowing an IP range.

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