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Notifications not working after upgrade

Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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I've just upgraded our cloud site to 4.7 and nobody can view notifications.  When you click on the bell you get an empty box. Clicking on View All Notifications shows a blank page. I gett the email notifications though.

Also I can't click on Alerts in ModCP, it just stays on reported content. And my Messenger inbox still shows Disable my Messenger rather than the option to disable the Inbox.

Edited by GlenP
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28 minutes ago, GlenP said:

I've just noticed that the Gallery also did not upgrade and is locked.

That part I have sorted for you. Please check the other items now I have run that, as I suspect the upgrader may not have gone through properly and that may well resolve your other issues

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Thanks Marc. Gallery is available again. Still no Notifications (so I can't tell if Disable my Inbox is working) but Alerts is still not accessible.

With these issues I haven't even bothered trying to see if Who's Typing/Viewing works as the whole upgrade has been a disaster and should assume they don't work.

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Unfortunately its an advanced issue that requires developer assistance, and will therefore take an extended period of time to be addressed. Nothing has changed in terms of response time, you just happen to have hit an issue that is more involved there

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