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Moving Host in effect

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Im trying to move to an upgraded server (self hosted my own hardware)

Having an issue after moving all folders and the db.

Once moved I get a 500 error and all i can find in the logs that i deem relevant (note i deem it may not be etc xD) is this


PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught TypeError: mysqli::real_connect(): Argument #5 ($port) must be of type ?int, string given in /tsi/html/community/system/Db/Db.php:256
Stack trace:
#0 /tsi/html/community/system/Db/Db.php(256): mysqli->real_connect()
#1 /tsi/html/community/system/Db/Db.php(356): IPS\_Db->_establishConnection()
#2 /tsi/html/community/system/Db/Db.php(996): IPS\_Db->checkConnection()
#3 /tsi/html/community/system/Db/Db.php(2366): IPS\_Db->real_escape_string()
#4 /tsi/html/community/system/Data/Store/Database.php(92): IPS\_Db->in()
#5 /community/system/Data/Store/Database.php(108): IPS\Data\Store\_Database->loadIntoMemory()
#6 /html/community/system/Data/Store/Database.php(162): IPS\Data\Store\_Database->get()
#7 /html/community/system/Data/AbstractData.php(126): IPS\Data\Store\_Database->exists()
#8 /tsi/html/community/system/Data/Store.php(303): IPS\Data\_AbstractData->__isset()
#9 /tsi/html/community/system/Settings/Settings.php(166): IPS\Data\_Store->__isset()
#10 /tsi/html/community/system/Settings/Settings.php(122): IPS\_Settings->loadFromDb()
#11 /tsi/html/community/system/Http/Url/Friendly.php(671): IPS\_Settings->__get()
#12 /tsi/html/community/system/Http/Url/Friendly.php(90): IPS\Http\Url\_Friendly::furlDefinition()
#13 /tsi/html/community/system/Http/Url.php(269): IPS\Http\Url\_Friendly::createFriendlyUrlFromComponents()
#14 /tsi/html/community/system/Request/Request.php(276): IPS\Http\_Url::createFromString()
#15 /tsi/html/community/system/Log/Log.php(106): IPS\_Request->url()
#16 /tsi/html/community/init.php(1029): IPS\_Log::log()
#17 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::exceptionHandler()
#18 {main}
  thrown in /tsi/html/community/system/Db/Db.php on line 256


No I assume this is beacuse the db connection info is


'sql_driver' => 'mysql',
  'sql_host' => '',

Im running mysql 57 on port 3309 (same on the current working server) but wonder if i should be entering it differently into the config?


Many thanks

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Update your conf_global.php file with:

'sql_host' => '',
'sql_port' => 3309,

In case you also need to specify a socket the variable is:

'sql_socket' => '/path/to/socket',


And you can remove the sql_driver row. IPS in the past supported MSSQL but it doesn't anymore so that's an unnecessary variable. It can only use mysqli right now.

Edited by teraßyte
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many thanks

I now get the ipb error 500 page rather than the webserver one maybe something else shouldnt be here (ive had ipb since v2)



$INFO = array (
  'sql_host' => '',
  'sql_port' => '3309',
  'sql_database' => 'abcdefg',
  'sql_user' => 'abcdefg',
  'sql_pass' => '12345678',
  'sql_tbl_prefix' => 'ddrr_',
  'sql_debug' => '1',
  'board_start' => '1131793624',
  'installed' => '1',
  'php_ext' => 'php',
  'safe_mode' => '1',
  'board_url' => 'https://www.thesecurityinstaller.co.uk/community/',
  'admin_group' => '4',
  'guest_group' => '2',
  'member_group' => '3',
  'auth_group' => '1',
  'mysql_tbl_type' => 'MyISAM',
  'top_site_list_integrate' => '1',
  'top_site_list_url' => '',
  'top_site_list_prefix' => 'tsl_',
  'banned_group' => '5',
  'use_friendly_urls' => '1',
  'sql_charset' => 'utf8',
  'sql_utf8mb4' => true,


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Try using the sql_port value as a number rather than a string.


And, if you want to clean up your conf_global.php file, these are the values you'd have to keep comparing it to a fresh 4.x install (not sure if about your 3 top_site_list rows, some really old mod perhaps?):


$INFO = array (
  'sql_host' => '',
  'sql_database' => 'abcdefg',
  'sql_user' => 'abcdefg',
  'sql_pass' => '12345678',
  'sql_port' => 3309,
  'sql_tbl_prefix' => 'ddrr_',
  'sql_utf8mb4' => true,
  'board_start' => '1131793624',
  'installed' => true,
  'base_url' => 'https://www.thesecurityinstaller.co.uk/community/',
  'admin_group' => '4',
  'guest_group' => '2',
  'member_group' => '3',


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Using a fresh one as above would always be a good start. I would say here, have you checked to ensure your new hosting meets minimum requirements before you start? Moving really shouldnt be that difficult from one host to another.

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yes the checker reports as attached. Then i get an ips error 500. There are no php errors logged on the server


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1 hour ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Using a fresh one as above would always be a good start. I would say here, have you checked to ensure your new hosting meets minimum requirements before you start? Moving really shouldnt be that difficult from one host to another.

I will change that, i will also change to a default .htaccess

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