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Redirect to custom login page

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We're building a private forum as an add-on to a membership site. I want users to log in there, rather than through the InvisionCommunity default login page. So far, that's working as expected. The only potential hiccup is if a user bookmarks the /login page itself. 

Is there a way we can redirect that page to our preferred login page instead? 

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Thanks Jim - we already have the SSO worked out. The issue is if someone bookmarks the actual IPS login page, I need that to not work. So this isn't covered by SSO, it would need to be in IPS. 

Is the /login page a single file I can simply replace with an http redirect? That's not ideal, but it would work for my purposes. 

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This would indeed need to be a part of the SSO plugin which is created or another custom plugin if your developer does not wish to include it as part of their SSO. I'm afraid, customizations, such as this, are outside our scope of support. I have moved this to the appropriate forum so you can obtain assistance from the community.

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