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Display text only in specific forums

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I'm puting my code in forums -> topics -> post template. I want to display text in every post for specific groups in specific forums.
My code:

    {{if in_array( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_group_id, array( 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 16, 19 ) )}}
	{{elseif request.app == 'forums' && request.module == 'forums' && request.id == 3}}
  	sample text


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Which specific groups and in which specific forums?

Knowing this will help with checking your code - the above currently means that:

If they are in the listed groups then show nothing, otherwise if the forum is 3 then show something, otherwise nothing (go with \in_array, by the way)

Edited by Nathan Explosion
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