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how do i fix that: Wrong pictures in Threads

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We have a problem with the pictures assigned to a thread - they are wrong.

Not in any place but in some like here:


and here:


and quite sure there are a lot of other threads with that problem, but we don't know why and how to fix it.

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Its very unlikely that this is related to a conversion, however unfortunately as this is a conversion from quite a considerable amount of time ago, there would be little we could do to resolve the issue. The reality is, you would need to check any conversions at the time, and if there are issues it would need to be reverted, fixed in the converter, and reconverted in most instances.

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It actually looks like it may be some kind of redirect issue, so it may well be related to a conversion at some point. As mentioned however, due to the length of time, thats going to cause issues on trying to resolve the problem

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Thanks for your early answers. 

We had a RAM error with our SQL server new years eve 2020/2021. No ECC and faulty hardware - one of the errors one always hears of on long winter evenings, but never sees one in glorious technicolor and stereophonic sound. 

This brought an error up in one table that was not automatically repairable. Due to the faulty hardware it was not possible to simple take the backup from yesterday, but using the binlog and two days of work could be fixed and it didn't look like we had lost anything.

So to get as much information as possible, i will find out, where the problem with the database was and set up the old system again to get a glimpse at the pictures that belong there.

Any other idea to start to solve this problem?

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There isnt really anything I can offer from a support standpoint unfortunately, as the usual option has been and gone (revert the conversion and we can get someone to look at it as it goes through). I can pass your ticket to our sales team to see if there is anything we can offer here if you would like me to do this?

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  • 4 months later...

Sorry for the delay, took one trip of Covid and some other serious health issues.

I installed my old virtual bulletin 3, which was quite an adventure and in that last version, that we imported into our Invision board these pictures where missing. So there should be no pictures at all in that thread and not the wrong ones.

Maybe you have any ideas on how to solve that?

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