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Unable to complete upgrade

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Hi all,

I renewed our license yesterday and attempted a long overdue upgrade. Our last one was probably in November. I was able to get through the download and extract stage, but could not proceed further than that. The step 4 page did not have a "continue" button. I tried both Chrome and Safari. I asked the other admins on our team to give it a try, but they could not move past the login page, as there are no fields to enter login info. Now we can't even access our admin cp. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Please update the access details to your site in the Client Area, and we'll be happy to investigate the issue.

(Note that we will need valid FTP/SFTP details since even the direct upgrade link has the same 500 error.)

Also please reply here when you have updated them.

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9 hours ago, Mark H said:

Please update the access details to your site in the Client Area, and we'll be happy to investigate the issue.

(Note that we will need valid FTP/SFTP details since even the direct upgrade link has the same 500 error.)

Also please reply here when you have updated them.

Hi Mark, sorry for the delay (I was called into work). I've updated the customer docs with our FTP info.

One of the other admins enabled recovery mode, using info from another thread. Update page still has no login field. Admin cp is now the Invision logo. He also tried to overwrite the files, which clearly didn't work.

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Thanks for posting, and I'm sorry that you're having an issue with your Invision Community.

I'm going to need to get a little more information about your account to help, and this is best done in a private support ticket, so I have created one. Someone will correspond with you shortly.

Thank you! 🙌

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