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Should inserting link to IPS Gallery Album in a Wordpress post display a rich embed or plain link?

The Old Man
Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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If I insert a link to a public IPS4.6 Gallery Album into a Wordpress post, should the link show some kind of preview like a rich embed or card etc?

Both latest IPS Gallery and WP are on the same website domain/host.

All I see at the moment is the clickable URL that leads to the album but in plain text, like this:


I'm not expecting anything grandiose, it's not a Pages block I'm trying to embed, but I thought it should at least show the IPS Gallery's open graph image or sharing icons something, which made me wonder if it's configured properly. The IPS Gallery does have favicons etc set up.

Updated: I may have answered my own question! I've tried posting a link to one of my site's public Gallery albums here and it doesn't generate any kind of link, just a plain link. I thought one IPS Community link posted on another would show something more decadent than plain text. Like a Twitter style card or something.

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