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Subscriptions Bug


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I have a problem with the subscription feature. I have 2 subscription packages and one of my customers tried to renew it but when he clicked on the rene

wal button it only let him select the other subscription package. And as one can see the screen is saying the the current subscription renews in 2019.


I was able to make a approval of an other invoice and the member which payed 12 times the other subscription package can enter the system now and it is showing an other expiration date :


I used to cancel expired invoices in my system since there were so many and as it seems there is a mess now.

Now the question : How can I clear the members account that on the new renewal date a proper invoice is created and that in his account the proper renewal date is displayed ?

Thanks for your help in forward.


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You said there "it only let him select the other subscription package" but Im not sure what "other" is in this context. We also dont know what dates are incorrect there. You would need to provide that information in order for us to advise

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Hi Marc, thanks for your anwser.

There is a one year subscription and a monthy subscription. I think the customer started in 2019 with a monthly subscription and then switched to a one year subscription. The customer had a one year subscription which expired 2 weeks ago. Now he wanted to renew it but when you click on the " renew " button only the monthy subscription appeared. So he selected that one 12 times made the payment with paypal but he did not get upgraded by the system. So he complained. I checked the files and found the expired one years renewal invoice and marked that as paid. So the system gave him now access for one year but when you go to the customers subscription page the 2019 renewal date is still there and when you click on the renewal button the monthly subscription package appears again.

view the screen shots

It is also possible that I made this mess since I used to delete long expired invoices from my system. Maybe that customer made a longer pause and wanted to renew now and thats why this problem occured.

In such case - is there a way to clean up the whole invoice record of a customer ? I could do a one year subscription with manual payment and mark it as paid.

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We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. 

We look forward to further assisting you. 


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