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I just configured Twitter promotion and login, not working

Manuel Molina
Go to solution Solved by Manuel Molina,

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I got my API approved by twitter, they gave me the keys and I filled the fields....



I now see the twitter, login button, but does not work...


Also, Twitter is not linked linked in profiles and I dont see the ability to share content on twitter either. Would really appreciate help. 

My community link is:  circle.thestateofbison.com



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We actually have a ticket open at present with a similar issue. Twitter appear to have changed their interface, so its very likely this is going to be something we need to work on. I have flagged this topic for follow up, so will let you know the result

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Thank you Marc, I got it to work. 

So what I had done was to copy the keys twitter gave me when i first got approved for the API and I pasted the keys in the log in and registration module for twitter in invision. 


But when they gave me the API Keys there was no field to put the callback link. thats whay it wasnt working. What i had to do is to login to the api, go into the configuration area and paste the call back link and other information they requested.

Log in is working nicely now. Thank you!

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