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Annual Plan Subscription Activated without payment

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Hi @Marc Stridgen, not runs correctly but I dont know if can be a new issue but is related.

I've a Monthly Plan for 87€/month and a Annual Plan for 897€/year. If I update from actual monthly to annual plan charges a difference of 669.42€. So did not calculate correctly this upgrade.

Should be 897€ - 87€ = 810€ if I update the same day that renew the monthly plan, If I consume some weeks should be more than 810€.

Can you take a new look again? I deactivate the upgrade/downgrade function again.


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1 hour ago, Marc Stridgen said:

I have split this into a new topic, as its not the same issue there. Please let me know which user you attempted that upgrade on, so I can then take a look

User id=471 for example, I test in more users with the same problem.

I think that IPS not compare subscription time to calculate this charge. You compare the monthly price with annual price divided for 12 months, so the result allways will be wrong.

If I change to annual subscription today will have access for 1 year since today, so should charge complete annual price less the monthly time not covered.

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  • 1 month later...

Just updating from the ticket notes from my colleague



The difference in cost doesn't include the tax, that's why it doesn't look correct. The tax is added during the checkout process, so they'll still pay the correct amount.

I have submitted a potential change for inclusion in a future release so that this upgrade charge amount will show the price including tax if applicable.


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