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WebHook Style Notification...

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I have a few forums that are monitored by a few affiliates they use the forum as a front line tech support.

I was wondering if there was a way for a specific 'group' if a new message was posted that a system would send a json payload to a web hook that that group or forum is set up for.

Specifically I was thinking GLIP or Stripe - they would provide me their web hook address and once setup they would get notifications via these services ( vs email notifications)

Is there an animal like that (sorry Zappier not an option) 

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26 minutes ago, Ocean West said:


There's a free version.

26 minutes ago, Ocean West said:

can't install it on my server. (I've tried)

I guess you're meaning the CGI limit? Did you try it with the recent release? Zapier Integration should work now out of the box with most webhost packages.

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was able to test with Zappier - but way to complex to setup.

By adding an endpoint and a JSON pattern to pass to a particular forum / category / group / limited to new posts & replies would be sufficient. Especially if the GLIP / Slack Endpoint is a channel that is provided by third parties. 


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