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Followed content not working?

Go to solution Solved by nodle,

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I was wondering if maybe I am doing something wrong? I have enabled in ACP>Members>Notifications>Automatically follow content> I have checked both create and reply to, but for some reason it doesn't seem to be working. Now I know that a member can set this themselves, but even I have this enabled, and if I create a topic or reply it does not automatically allow me to follow it. Is there something that I am missing? I have also reset all members to default before enabling this as well. Shouldn't it just work? It works fine here on IPS when I create or replay to a topic I automatically follow it.


I just assumed that enabling this option enforced this to all members, or does it apply to new member creation only? Is so is there a way to default everyone to this state? I think when I did my conversation it disables this on everyone by default.

Edited by nodle
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There is no way in which to mass change peoples notification options. The option you change in the ACP is changing what the default is for new users, rather than changing those who already have them set up.

Could I please confirm you now have this sorted?

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