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how to make a subscription free for a limited time?

Pavel Chernitsky
Go to solution Solved by Pavel Chernitsky,

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TL;DR: How to "gift" a limited time free subscription to a paying subscriber?

The situation is as follows: A member bought a subscription using a PayPal subscription (the only payment method properly supported for our country, so changing that isn't an option), but due to a bug they were charged more than they should have for a few months. 
They brought this issue to our attention and we agreed on a limited time "compensation". They will have several months free, and then resume payments. 

I've entered a credit sum to the member's account appropriate for the duration we wanted to "gift" the user, but the system wouldn't "charge" the credit that's present. 
Next, I've manually activated the subscription, but couldn't figure out whether there is a way to make it "deactivate" on a set date and then return to charging the members PayPal. Only other way I can see around it is setting a reminder, and when the time comes cancel the subscription and have the member purchase it again - Which is a course of action I'd very much like to avoid since I'd hate to pile on even more inconveniences on the member.

Thanks for the help.

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