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Forum Statistics

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I have managed to do the posts but statistic won't change. I went to the template for forum statistics. Not sure if I am in the right place. I changed the format from medium to large but it didn't change anything.

Here is what I have in forum statistic template.



                    <div class='ipsDataItem_stats ipsDataItem_statsLarge'>
                        <span class='ipsDataItem_stats_number'>{number="$stats['total_posts']" format="long"}</span>
        <div class='ipsGrid ipsGrid_collapsePhone ipsWidget_stats'>
            <div class='ipsGrid_span6 ipsType_center'>
                <span class='ipsType_large ipsWidget_statsCount'>{number="$stats['total_topics']" format="long"}</span><br>
                <span class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'>{lang="total_topics"}</span>
            <div class='ipsGrid_span6 ipsType_center'>
                <span class='ipsType_large ipsWidget_statsCount'>{number="$stats['total_posts']" format="long"}</span><br>
                <span class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'>{lang="total_posts"}</span>


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