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(NE) Content Warnings

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v1.1.1 has been submitted for approval

    • Editing a comment causes an error if the user editing didn't have permissions to create new warnings via the front-end
    • None
  • NEW
    • Added account settings option to allow user to choose whether or not to see content warning notices.
      • Setting this to 'No' results in user no longer seeing warnings on content
      • Setting this to 'Yes' results in user seeing warnings on content, with options available as previously to allow hiding/showing of the content itself


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  • 1 year later...

Hi, We have Purchased the plugin NE Content Warnings, there is a bit of issue in the plugin, when we added the warnings from the backend, then we used few warnings from there to create a new thread in our forum, and we set the settings to hide the content. 

So now when we go to forum and check that thread, the warning is properly showing on the thread, with a message "Click to Reveal the Content". When we click on it to see the content, its not showing. 

Please find the attachment with a screenshot of the issue


Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage

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A link to that page would be helpful here, as that doesn't look like the default theme so I'd need to see the actual page (if page is behind a login, send me a link plus authentication credentials via PM)

In addition:

  1. What are the setting in place in the ACP?
  2. Same with your own front-end settings, via the "Account Settings", if you have enabled that functionality.
Edited by Nathan Explosion
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FYI, we have also checked in the default theme, and the issue also persists in the default theme as well. 

The Page can be accessed as guest as well. Here is the Link : https://p2pdev.kidshelpphone.ca/topic/3026-vehicula-senectus-auctor-ultrices-tristique/

1. For the settings in the ACP, please find the screenshots on the attachment

2. As we are checking through as guest, so we don't have any frontend-settings for guest

Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage

Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage

Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage

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Thank you - I'm unable to reproduce the issue based on your configuration, and viewing as a guest (feel free to go to here to see it in effect)

24 minutes ago, Dru Vagale said:

2. As we are checking through as guest, so we don't have any frontend-settings for guest

As you've offered up this information, I have to ask whether clicking the notice work when you are logged in?

Looking at your site, I am going to point out that there is a general Javascript-related error in the developer console, which is likely to have a knock-on effect on the JS functionality used when the notice is clicked on:

Could contain: File, Webpage, Page, Text, Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware, Monitor, Screen




24 minutes ago, Dru Vagale said:

FYI, we have also checked in the default theme

Can you make the Invision default theme available to Guests, please, as I'd like to verify something myself.

Edited by Nathan Explosion
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OK - I think one of your own customisations is having a knock-on effect on the Javascript that my application utilises, and here is why I believe this (You've got ability for Guests to post so can check this)

  • In your settings, you have it set that "Guests" are not permitted to create new warnings
  • The JS for the application, as one of the first few things done, will add an ipsHide class to a field with the ID elInput_neapp_content_warning_new

That is this field, which is clearly not set with that class at the time of page load:

Could contain: Page, Text, File

Could contain: Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware, Monitor, Screen, Text, Chart, Plot

Unfortunately, I think something early on is resulting in my JS not even running

If you can present a page to me that has none of your own customisations on it (disable other 3rd party apps/plugins, set the default theme, etc) and reproduce the issue then I am happy to take a further look.

Edited by Nathan Explosion
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