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LAXERI Theme [Support Topic]


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What's New in Version 1.2.3

  • NEW
    • Ability to add images for slides in mobile mode -> (RD) Slideshow Tab
    • Ability to adjust the content of the slide in 3 directions right, left and middle -> (RD) Slideshow Tab
    • Ability to display slideshows only on the main page of the forum -> (RD) Slideshow Tab
    • Ability to add background to the footer -> (RD) Footer
    • Ability to add a cover to the background footer in dark and light modes + optional -> (RD) Footer
    • Ability to disable closing the sidebar menu -> (RD) Sidebar
    • The middle button style in the Bottom Navigation
    • Modify slide show content in mobile version
  • CSS code optimization
    • Main
    • Naviagetion
    • Slideshow
Edited by ReyDev
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12 hours ago, CiberBob said:

Hello categories in the blog application and all other bubble info applications are invisible:




Hi @CiberBob

please add this snippet code to the MISC tab -> Custom CSS section for now and let me know please. of course i'll add this option to the next version.

.ipsBadge, a.ipsBadge {
    color: inherit;



Edited by ReyDev
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/9/2022 at 10:00 AM, theblackelk said:

It looks like it is tied to another variable. I can change it by adding to the custom css only:


 --theme-pagination_active: 72,154,228!important; 


I'll work on it and get back to you soon.

thank you

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Hi there. We're interested in this theme, but have a couple questions before we decide on purchasing.

  1. Can the loading wheel feature be turned off? The site loads faster than it pops up, so we don't see a need for it.
  2. I noticed a custom CSS box inside the theme settings itself. Is there a difference in using that over the custom.css template?
  3. Will your other applications work seamlessly with this theme?
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On 12/21/2021 at 8:04 AM, ReyDev said:



Add thnis css code to the MISC tab -> Custom CSS. I'll fix it in the next version. 

#tabs_club.ipsTabs {  
  color: rgb( var(--theme-area_background_reset) )!important;

It's not just in clubs, it's in blogs as well, it's everywhere where there is a info panel. White text on white background. Hoping to see a fix soon.

Great theme, tons of features. Def worth the price.

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15 hours ago, ahc said:

Hi there. We're interested in this theme, but have a couple questions before we decide on purchasing.

  1. Can the loading wheel feature be turned off? The site loads faster than it pops up, so we don't see a need for it.
  2. I noticed a custom CSS box inside the theme settings itself. Is there a difference in using that over the custom.css template?
  3. Will your other applications work seamlessly with this theme?

Hi @ahc

2.Yes. This option is intended to be able to change items in it for users who are not familiar with changing the theme (CSS files).
3.Yes. I checked almost all my apps with it and there was no issue. If there is, be sure to let me know so I can fix it.


9 hours ago, Sirmadsen said:

It's not just in clubs, it's in blogs as well, it's everywhere where there is a info panel. White text on white background. Hoping to see a fix soon.

Great theme, tons of features. Def worth the price.

Hi @Sirmadsen

I'll definitely review all these cases and solve them by the end of this week. In addition, new features will be added to the theme in the new update.

Thank you.

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On 1/9/2022 at 9:33 AM, theblackelk said:

Changing certain things like active pagination does nothing. I want the color to be different depending on light/dark mode so I don't want to just override it.

sorry for delay

in Vala Palette mode, the color of the pagination inherits from the Main theme color-Darker option. if you want to change it for dark/light modes, enable the Customize Main Theme Color option in (RD) Main Theme Settings and change the Main theme color-Darker option for dark/light.

you can also use the (RD) Front-End LIGHT/DARK to manage all colors for dark and light modes, just like the default IPS mode.

hope this helps

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