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Where are resource images stored?


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Can someone tell me where the resource images are stored on the server (which folder)? Strange thing happened last night, about 15 of my "custom" images disappeared from my theme. In the theme manage resources the image code was still there but the images were gone and a blank/missing image was in their place? I had to delete those missing images from the resources and upload new ones to the custom folder.

Thanks for any help or why this would have happened?

EDIT: found the folder - uploads/set_resources  (but still a mystery as to why they disappeared?) I did run the "Something is not working correctly" in the ACP yesterday could that have deleted the images?


Edited by Genestoy
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14 minutes ago, Daniel F said:

Where you able to find the reason? Was anything logged to your system log?

No, nothing in the system logs.

Also most images in the folder have a long string of letters and numbers before the image name that I previously uploaded, but the new ones I just uploaded for the missing ones have only the image name itself?

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