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IOS photos are uploaded upside down

Guy Shimon
Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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42 minutes ago, Michel_72 said:

Then why did this work fine before? I am running php8.2 since I am on debian 12, I think about a year and this rotate issue surfaced since a few months ago. Since then I have been running apt update && upgrade and Invision Community updates, so one of those are likely candidates as a source of the problem.

While I understand your frustration, this is something that is working within the software, and we are not the company supporting your server environment. 

44 minutes ago, Michel_72 said:

Will all due respect, you are not helping much. I rather have some useful suggestions, either from you or from another community member.

We have at present

  • Checked the image in question on your site
  • Asked for a copy of the image in question, and checked that to ensure its showing as we would expect
  • Tested this on an unaltered instance in development, and in the test area on this site
  • Suggested that you run a compatible version of PHP

We are unable to support your environment. Our current advise is to ensure you are running your site in a compatible environment, and if that is then still not working to contact your hosting company. Your answers to the 2 of those are that you are not willing to downgrade PHP to a version which is compatible with the platform, and that you are the host yourself. 

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I'm not asking for you to solve my issue. I'm asking if any community member knows a solution to my problem. 🙂

In stead I am getting nothing but unhelpful replies. It's clear to me Invision is not going to solve my issue.


Edited by Michel_72
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Sorry to hear you feel our responses are unhelpful. We can only really respond with the correct answers, as we see them. It would be worth posting a new topic within this forum. Ensure you post up the full details of your server, as it may help people to assist you



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@Michel_72 You think it works with PHP 8.2, but behind the scenes, things are not working as they should even if you don't see it. 🙄


That said, your issue is unrelated to the PHP version. I posted a bug report about images not rotating properly some time ago, it might be the same issue you're having:

Edited by teraßyte
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11 minutes ago, Marc said:

Its an image just uploaded on a topic, which is uploading fine here (even the very same image) so unlikely

Oh, I missed that part. If that's the case, there could indeed be an issue with the PHP version. Possibly some code is failing because it's not supported in PHP 8.2. 🤔

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