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external connections not working


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I have just migrated my site from the cloud to its own dedicated server, I host this via Plesk has I did previously and all is working well except for one thing, when I ran the support function to see if anything wasn't working it stated "external connections not working". This is proven to be preventing clients registering as this throws the error EX110. After asking the support team they have stated the issue is related to the connection being lost to MySQL, I'm not able to find how to resolve this issue, any idea's?


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51 minutes ago, MrMuppet said:


I have just migrated my site from the cloud to its own dedicated server, I host this via Plesk has I did previously and all is working well except for one thing, when I ran the support function to see if anything wasn't working it stated "external connections not working". This is proven to be preventing clients registering as this throws the error EX110. After asking the support team they have stated the issue is related to the connection being lost to MySQL, I'm not able to find how to resolve this issue, any idea's?


Hi go to the file conf_global and there edit your database username password path to the database as well as the port😊,Addresses in the database must also be changed by finding/replacing them.If you enabled keyCaptcha it can also return this error if the domain was moved and you can still check the php version))

Edited by Alexandr.P
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Thanks for your reply, unfortunately that didn't work, the database username, password and everything else is the same as previous, I did add the port number though but that didn't work either, disabling captcha at least will allow people to register though I do still have the external connections error. 

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Hi, I'm not certain to be honest but that's what support said, at the time there was no firewall enabled whilst I was trying to fault find, tried lots of "fixes" to the point where I'm probably doing more harm than good, still not working though "External connections not working", Cheers.

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