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(Solved) Replies Missing


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I've completed migration from myBB and all of my users, posts and topics were successfully imported, however on my forums, replies to topics are shown as 0 and the topic's "pages" are missing until a new reply is made. Does anyone have a fix for this? 

Edited by cdymlr
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Background tasks are kicked off when the conversion completes and will be displayed on the dashboard in the AdminCP. Those issues will be fixed when the appropriate background tasks run to rebuild the counts. Basically you just need to give it a little time.

If you aren't running your tasks via cron, we would recommend doing so as it will allow those tasks to run quicker. You can use the AdminCP live search to look for "cron" to find the option.

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5 hours ago, bfarber said:

Background tasks are kicked off when the conversion completes and will be displayed on the dashboard in the AdminCP. Those issues will be fixed when the appropriate background tasks run to rebuild the counts. Basically you just need to give it a little time.

If you aren't running your tasks via cron, we would recommend doing so as it will allow those tasks to run quicker. You can use the AdminCP live search to look for "cron" to find the option.

Issue resolved! Since this is a private development build and the background tasks were only set to run when users were online and doing stuff, I had to run the tasks manually. 

I did so by going to Dashboard in ACP and scrolling down a bit to “background tasks” and running them all manually. Cron job would be better for more advanced users but this worked for me. 

Thank you for the info! 

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