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Automated Follow Up Email?


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When someone buys something on our website, I would like to send a follow up email about a week later. Is there an automated way to do this? Anyone have success with any plugin?


In a past community we used to use this plugin, but it's now for some reason not available for purchase: 


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There is no built-in way to do this currently.   I also use the rules app, which is available directly through the developers website, for now.

I would recommend suggesting IPS implement this functionality, however the amount of Commerce-related requests and suggestions that go ignored here are quite discouraging.


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13 hours ago, IPCommerceFan said:

There is no built-in way to do this currently.   I also use the rules app, which is available directly through the developers website, for now.

I would recommend suggesting IPS implement this functionality, however the amount of Commerce-related requests and suggestions that go ignored here are quite discouraging.


Thanks! I got the app now. Didn't notice it was available there.

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