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Community Guide on Setting Up Wasabi and CloudFlare

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I've been running this for a long while now with Wasabi as my storage.  Everything has been running great.  Since the last IPS update; I'm getting more and more reports of the following:

<Message>We encountered an internal error. Please retry the operation again later.</Message>
<Detail>Get "": dial tcp> bind: address already in use</Detail>

I don't' know where this error is actually coming from. Not sure if this is Cloudlfare, Wasabi, IPS, or my server.  This just seems to happen every now and then when clicking to download a file.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I got this to work with Wasabi after some setup but now my transfer of files have been stuck at 54% since almost two weeks back. I've verified that cron is working and tried to start the transfer manually with no success.

My question is if I would go through the hassle of moving files manually (downloading and uploading) will the system take notice of this and finish the automatic move when it verifies that the files are already at the destination?

Edited by Sirmadsen
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Images stored at my Wasabi bucket are not are showing on my site. They have been moved (from S3) and I have verified that they are in fact in the bucket and can be opened and viewed from Wasabi, but they just show a broken image icon on my site. I have tried with Cloudflare on and paused.

I am now out of ideas.

Edited by Sirmadsen
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10 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

Can you directly access the Wasabi URL for the object?  There is a chance your permissions are incorrect.  

Not from my site no, I get

"This site can’t be reached

cdn.throneofgeeks.com’s DNS address could not be found.


I have my bucket set public.

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1 hour ago, Randy Calvert said:

Cloudflare is saying the entry you have for "cdn" is incorrect.  What value do you have there?

Not entirely sure what you mean but if it's the CNAME CDN we set up from the tutorial I have


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  • 11 months later...

Does this guide still require the (missing) plugin linked in the first post?

There is a post on page 5 that mentions a fix included in 4.5.4, but not sure if it still requires the plugin even after that.


With the marketplace closed, I'm not seeing the S3 Compatible Downloads application listed on @All Astronauts's site.

Edited by teraßyte
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I still use this Wasabi + Cloudflare setup.  I cannot emphasize how much cheaper it is than Amazon S3 + Cloud front. The bandwidth fees would be hundreds of dollars (if not thousands) for my website that is media rich.  Instead, I pay zero in bandwidth fees and $5.99 per terabyte of storage.  

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47 minutes ago, Joel R said:

I still use this Wasabi + Cloudflare setup.  I cannot emphasize how much cheaper it is than Amazon S3 + Cloud front. The bandwidth fees would be hundreds of dollars (if not thousands) for my website that is media rich.  Instead, I pay zero in bandwidth fees and $5.99 per terabyte of storage.  

What I'd like to know is if the fix IPS added in 4.5.4 allows the use of Wasabi without any 3rd party plugin/application.

After my post above, I tried looking at the code, and I think it's impossible since there are some hardcoded Amazon URLs/values.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Received this:


Degraded performance in US-EAST-1 and US-EAST-2 regions
An update has been posted
A recovery operation is currently underway to bring back the impacted systems. This will take between 6 to 12 hours to complete. We will continue to update here as progress is made.
Time posted
May 30, 19:29 UTC
Components affected
    US-East-1 (N. Virginia)
    US-East-2 (N. Virginia)
    Wasabi Management Console

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