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Embed one picture of gallery


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You'll probably want to edit the theme template gallery > front > global > embedImage. If you just want an image (or video) to show, you could probably trim the template all the way back to

<div data-embedInfo-maxSize='500' class='ipsRichEmbed'>

	{{if $item->media }}
		<span class='ipsThumb ipsNoThumb ipsNoThumb_video ipsThumb_embed'>
			<video data-role="video" class="ipsPos_center" controls preload="metadata" width="100%" height="100%"{{if $item->masked_file_name }} poster="{file="$item->masked_file_name" extension="gallery_Images"}"{{endif}}>
				<source src="{file="$item->original_file_name" extension="gallery_Images"}" type='{$item->file_type}' />
		<a href='{$item->url()}' title='{lang="view_this_image" sprintf="$item->caption"}' class='ipsThumb ipsThumb_embed ipsThumb_bg' style='background-image: url( "{backgroundimage="\IPS\File::get( 'gallery_Images', $item->small_file_name )->url"}" );'>
			<img src='{file="$item->small_file_name" extension="gallery_Images"}' alt="{$item->caption}" class='ipsHide'>



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