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Gateway Timeout 504 error when posting


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All of a sudden, my website has begun throwing this error every time one tries to post a new article and/or topic. The odd thing is that the article/topic still posts without an issue. After a while, the browser will go to the white screen displaying the Gateway Timeout 504 error display but if you go to the website, you will notice the article/post was created without a problem.

I have rebooted my server, set my max_execution_time to 300 but the problem continues.

Any ideas?

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Are you using Elasticsearch? If so, it could be a timeout attempting to post the search result. Alternatively, it may be an issue with your email provider when the software attempts to send notification emails. You can likely check the system or email error logs in the AdminCP to find more information.

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Alternatively, it may be an issue with your email provider when the software attempts to send notification emails.


Hi @bfarber,

That is exactly what was causing the issue, although @Adlago beat you to it! lol I fixed the problem by enabling SendGrid and using that instead for all email services, instead of using PHP. I'm guessing there is a misconfig on my server with PHP mail that is causing the issue.


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