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Can't download member list

Ryan M

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I can't seem to be able to download my member list, no matter what parameters I enter. I don't want to enter special parameters for the member list, I want to download the entire list. So when I leave everything as is and continue on, I get a blank list download. So then I try entering 01/01/2000 to 03/24/2018 as the join date parameters.but then when I hit continue it just refreshes back to the first page where I started or gives me a progress bar and then refreshes back to the first page where I started and nothing happens.Is this a bug or is this a problem with mine i need support on?

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I had a ticket opened for something else so I waited on this. I had a problem with a Gallery uploads issue, and it appears that suhosin may have been the cause for both of these issues, because when I disabled it as Support suggested for my other issue, I decided to try downloading my member list again, and it worked. Guess I won't have to bug them with another ticket over this after all. Hopefully when mod_security goes back online it won't change the fact that bringing suhosin "offline/inactive" was the thing that (still) does the trick,

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