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Possible to set download stats visible only to owner?


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I have users who can upload files to downloads application. I enabled stats and everyone in the group can see who downloaded files on every file.

I want to set permissions such that only the OWNER of a respective file can who has downloaded it. But if they click on another file there are no stats.

Possible???? (can't find setting)

Thank you :)

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Its a couple of settings really.

Per category (to allow the file submitter to view it) > ACP > Downloads > Categories > (edit each category as required) > 'Category Settings' tab >  Logs > 'Allow file submitter to view log'

Per group  ACP > Members > Groups > (edit each group as required) > 'Downloads' tab > 'Can view who has downloaded files' , note this is typically a global setting so if this is enabled they can view any file download listing as such.



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