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(NE) Hide content

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  On 12/8/2020 at 2:55 PM, Nathan Explosion said:

Thanks for that - just to confirm:

  1. "Ignore Topics" enabled
  2. "(NE) Hide Content" enabled
  3. No settings applied in "(NE) Hide Content" (as per your provided screenshots)
  4. Result: the error you are seeing.

Is that correct?

@mark2012 - as you've said that you have the same error...do you have "Ignore Topics" also installed?

I do not have Ignore Topics installed. I only have two plugin installed :

(NB40) Ads After X Posts Enabled 1.0.6
(NB40) Separate Pinned Topics Enabled 1.0.4

@Nathan i can provide you with all details - but tonight , when i`ll install again your app so you can investigate the problem. I cannot now sorry because its large activity.

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  • Nathan Explosion
    Nathan Explosion

    Hello all - it's been quite a while since I have been on here but I am finding my way back in to the wild now. I've had some issues with my eyes which has severely impacted my ability to do pretty muc

  • Nathan Explosion
    Nathan Explosion

    The plugin is now called '(NE) Hide post content from guests', and version 2.0 is now available with quite a few additional features - check it out: Many thanks to @AlexWebsites for assistance o

  • Nathan Explosion
    Nathan Explosion

    Thanks...will take a closer look over the weekend.

Posted Images

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v3.1.3 has been submitted for approval with the following included:

  • NEW: "Hide content in a topic's first post" now applied when viewing search results, as I identified a differentiation between a topic's first post and its comments/replies.
  • FIX: Topics in a Q/A forum no longer trigger an error when viewed (see note below)
  • FIX: Tweaks to the hiding of images in quotes when the viewer is not allowed to see that content
  • FIX: "Convert images to links within quotes" setting now works correctly for viewers who are allowed to see the content

Note: the fix I have put in for Q&A forum topics means that, temporarily, the 'Limit number of replies shown' setting will not be applied to those topics. I'll put a change in place for that in a future version.

Edited by Nathan Explosion

I have a new exception, this appears when I posting a new poll topic.

Filled all the information that required in the poll and the topic content, the poll has 5 answers.

OutOfRangeException:  (0)
#0 /home/xxxxxx.com/public_html/boards/init.php(893) : eval()'d code(14): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::load()
#1 /home/xxxxxx.com/public_html/boards/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php(2094): IPS\forums\nehidecontent_hook_neapp_hidecontent_forums_topic->comments()
#2 /home/xxxxxx.com/public_html/boards/system/Api/Webhook.php(59): IPS\forums\_Topic->apiOutput()
#3 /home/xxxxxx.com/public_html/boards/system/Content/Item.php(1004): IPS\Api\_Webhook::fire()
#4 /home/xxxxxx.com/public_html/boards/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php(631): IPS\Content\_Item->processAfterCreate()
#5 /home/xxxxxx.com/public_html/boards/init.php(893) : eval()'d code(17): IPS\forums\_Topic->processAfterCreate()
#6 /home/xxxxxx.com/public_html/boards/system/Content/Item.php(438): IPS\forums\membersshop_hook_TopicHook->processAfterCreate()
#7 /home/xxxxxx.com/public_html/boards/system/Content/Item.php(133): IPS\Content\_Item::createFromForm()
#8 /home/xxxxxx.com/public_html/boards/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/forums.php(463): IPS\Content\_Item::create()
#9 /home/xxxxxx.com/public_html/boards/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(90): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_forums->add()
#10 /home/xxxxxx.com/public_html/boards/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#11 /home/xxxxxx.com/public_html/boards/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#12 {main}



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  On 12/14/2020 at 12:39 PM, IceCore said:

I have a new exception, this appears when I posting a new poll topic.

I submittd v3.1.4 about an hour ago to fix this one - if you are self-hosted, with access via FTP, then I can give you a patch for it on your existing install.

Edited by Nathan Explosion

  On 12/14/2020 at 12:41 PM, Nathan Explosion said:

I submittd v3.1.4 about an hour ago to fix this one - if you are self-hosted, with access via FTP, then I can give you a patch for it on your existing install.

Ow, nice! I'll wait 🙂 Thanks!

  • Author

What's new in v3.1.4

  • FIX: tweaks to the "Limit number of replies shown" functionality for Forums, to resolve some errors when either creating a new topic or viewing a topic.

Hi Nathan, i have one error 

in URL : https://hermanodeleche.com/profile/90311-pelado-sidane/content/page/3/?type=forums_topic_post


Error: Call to a member function hasAttribute() on null (0)
#0 /home/mazafaka/public_html/applications/nehidecontent/sources/NeContent.php(199): IPS\nehidecontent\_NeContent::neAppHideContentImageToLink(Object(IPS\Xml\DOMDocument), NULL, false)
#1 /home/mazafaka/public_html/applications/nehidecontent/sources/NeContent.php(160): IPS\nehidecontent\_NeContent::neAppHideContentParseTag(Object(IPS\Member), Object(IPS\Xml\DOMDocument), 'blockquote', false, true)
#2 /home/mazafaka/public_html/init.php(893) : eval()'d code(34): IPS\nehidecontent\_NeContent::neAppHideContentParseDom(Object(IPS\Member), '\n<blockquote cl...')
#3 /home/mazafaka/public_html/system/Helpers/Table/Table.php(489): IPS\Helpers\Table\nehidecontent_hook_helpers_table_content->getRows(Array)
#4 /home/mazafaka/public_html/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php(620): IPS\Helpers\Table\_Table->__toString()
#5 /home/mazafaka/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(90): IPS\core\modules\front\members\_profile->content()
#6 /home/mazafaka/public_html/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php(73): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#7 /home/mazafaka/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\core\modules\front\members\_profile->execute()
#8 /home/mazafaka/public_html/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#9 {main}


Edited by MataVirgenes

  • Author

OK - when do you get that? What are you doing at the time? What are your settings? Can it be reproduced?

Just plonking an error down isn't reporting the issue in an effective way. - help me to help you.

  • Author

Am I correct in stating that this is seen when you view a user's profile?

Also, I am going to need to see how you have the application configured please.

Edited by Nathan Explosion


With version 4.5 it is possible to create clubs that contain forums, blogs and events. Can your app also hide comments in blogs?


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  On 12/22/2020 at 1:30 AM, NoSpy said:

Can your app also hide comments in blogs?

Potentially, yes.

However - I do not use Blogs and therefore don't have access to the code. So I cannot actually check how it (Blogs & its content) works behind the scenes to see what coding I have to put in place to handle that content.

I am looking for a way to restrict the visibility of clubs to identified members only (like facebook).


  • Author

Well, that's not going to be this application.

Ask elsewhere please, and I will provide you with a possible option.


  • 1 month later...


HTML message not parsed anymore 😞


בכדי לראות את קבצים המצורפים, יש צורך <a href="https://devhub.co.il/boards/register/">הרשמה</a> או <a href="https://devhub.co.il/boards/login/">להתחבר</a>!


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We discussed that very issue above previously and the cause was the HTML used was malformed...and I expect it to be the same thing again.

Provide the HTML you are inserting in to the content (via API, if I remember correctly)


Edited by Nathan Explosion

  On 1/30/2021 at 12:59 PM, Nathan Explosion said:

We discussed that very issue above previously and the cause was the HTML used was malformed...and I expect it to be the same thing again.

Provide the HTML you are inserting in to the content (via API, if I remember correctly)


I didn't used an API to post the content, is that what you meant?

  • Author

Provide the HTML that you are inserting into the content, or provide a link to the post. Also, provide your settings so I can see what it is that you trying to have hidden.

Edited by Nathan Explosion

  • 3 months later...

Good morning,

Sorry if I ask a question that is already answered in the plugin's description or the support topic.

I want to hide the replies of certain forums to certain user groups, not just guests...Is that possible? Is it possible to display maybe the first post of a topic and then hide the other replies to specific user groups?

Thanks a lot

  • 2 weeks later...
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v3.1.5 has been submitted for approval:

    • fixed issue with cleanup tasks, which removes old plugin version of application, not running
    • modification to the 'Convert images to links within quotes' functionality to resolve a rare issue where 1 of multiple images with exactly the same name/url etc is left visible, while all others are hidden.
  • NEW
    • Added a 'Disable display of full size image' setting to allow admins to control behaviour of lightbox image display for guests, applied if images are not being hidden for guests
      • If enabled, the image displayed in the lightbox will be the thumbnailed version of the original file (i.e. the image actually seen by the guest when viewing the content)
      • Option to 'Display login prompt in the lightbox' is also available, allowing the admin to show a login prompt instead of the thumbnailed image
    • No other functional changes
    • Tested and confirmed working on IPS 4.6.0 (Beta)
  • 1 month later...

Hello, thanks for your app, it works very well 🙂

I have a question  How can i exclude some thread to be hidden ? I saw the option but when i specify a thread via ID it seems to not working, see video :https://www.loom.com/share/9973dc676e054802a538e359bddf8166

What am i doing wrong ?

Suggestion : is it not possible to exclude some pages like thread ?

Thanks !

  • Author
  On 6/24/2021 at 2:14 PM, Olivier Frascone said:

Hello, thanks for your app, it works very well

Thanks for purchasing.

Instead of trying to enter the ID of the thread, type the title of the thread instead...then select it 😉

  • 2 weeks later...
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The videos are hidden succesfully no issue so far. Nathan one last thing please, there is any way around to add a clickable link ? meaning Click here for upgrade

I did tested with ipsMessage type to use CODE/GENERAL/INFORMATION/SUCCESS/ERROR/ but none of each option does not display the clickable link. It does shows <a href="URL" target="_blank">Click here for UPGRADE</a>.

The field for the replacement text is literally text only - I will add this as a feature enhancement request for a future version.

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v3.2.0 has been submitted for approval

    • None
    • "Replacement content to display" fields for Attachments/Code/Images/Quotes/Spoilers/Videos are now 'Editor' fields, allowing rich text to be used instead of plain text.
  • NEW
    • No new features