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Magnum Theme [ support topic ]

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  • Back to your question, its not possible to make the nav bar normal it was designed like this. and i cant simply post you some css to make the navbar normal and mess with the header just because when a

  • Sorry guys the update might take a couple more days due to adding some more cool features, Thanks for @CP_User for suggesting the idea  one of the new features of magnum theme you can now style a

  • This will delete it .elUserNav_sep { border: none !important; }  

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  On 12/20/2019 at 7:58 PM, fix3r said:

MM v9 sir, i did fix the reactions but other issues still in place the google ads wont show in the custom widgets and the https://www.mymilitia.com/uploads/set_resources_11/swiper.min.js.map does not exist 

I dont have any swiper slider standalone script links in my themes. 😕 

you probably using another swiper slider app or plugin or maybe a very old version of Magnum theme! 

Try to reinstall magnum theme maybe? 

  On 12/20/2019 at 7:58 PM, fix3r said:

other issues still in place the google ads wont show in the custom widgets and

Sorry, again everything about ads on this theme is exactly same as default IPS theme you need to check your ad problems on default IPS theme and if you still have issues then you need to report to IPS, i haven't modified anything in ads plus i do not have any issues with it works fine here 🙂 


i just purchased and downloaded this, every site that has this theme has same error 





and even your own site



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  On 12/20/2019 at 8:11 PM, fix3r said:

i just purchased and downloaded this, every site that has this theme has same error 


What browser are you using?


here is the custom widgets deleted coding and causing the google errors all im going it putting the code in and hitting save and it removes 1/2 the code for no reason ..

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  On 12/20/2019 at 8:11 PM, fix3r said:

i just purchased and downloaded this, every site that has this theme has same error 


I will check it out later. 🙂 

thank you


  On 12/20/2019 at 8:19 PM, fix3r said:

here is the custom widgets deleted coding and causing the google errors all im going it putting the code in and hitting save and it removes 1/2 the code for no reason

This is a ckEditor field from IPS, this has nothing to do with magnum theme.

Maybe its not possible to paste all kind of js codes in ckeditor. this is not a codemirror field like you paste whatever code you want. 

Edited by TAMAN

  On 12/20/2019 at 8:42 PM, TAMAN said:

Maybe its not possible to paste all kind of js codes in ckeditor. this is not a codemirror field like you paste whatever code you want. 

No it's not, I noticed when messing with the editors that it don't like google ads etc added to it and removes the 

     <ins class="adsbygoogle"
     style="display:block; text-align:center;"


Edited by TheJackal84

then how do i show google ads in the custom widgets because they wont take the code

  On 12/20/2019 at 9:09 PM, fix3r said:

then how do i show google ads in the custom widgets because they wont take the code

You need a widget what uses the TextArea settings and not the editor then they need to parse it |raw

Edited by TheJackal84

  On 12/20/2019 at 9:13 PM, TheJackal84 said:

You need a widget what uses the TextArea settings and not the editor then they need to parse it |raw

{$record->customFieldDisplayByKey('my_key', 'listing')|raw}

what is the code for blocks?

  On 12/20/2019 at 9:17 PM, fix3r said:

what is the code for blocks?

I'll send you a PM, I don't wanna drag on @TAMAN's support topic with faults what ain't due to this theme :biggrin:


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  On 12/20/2019 at 9:17 PM, fix3r said:

{$record->customFieldDisplayByKey('my_key', 'listing')|raw}

what is the code for blocks?

No thats not what TheJackal84 meant, you cant put that template tag in editor Its not possible to paste php in the ckeditor either.

Custom Widgets in this theme were mainly designed for usual blocks and it uses Editor field. 😕 


im not sure if there is another way without modifying the custom widgets template 

Edited by TAMAN

@TAMAN really good job on this style , it is now our default and all the members love it - https://www.mymilitia.com

If i had any feedback...

  1. The 2nd slider will not show the background image, I'm having to use sliders 1,3,4,5
  2. The js errors on safari


  1. I had to abandon the News Ticker on the style and use the original plugin. I was just unable to get it to work and it did not have as many options (like where to show)
  2. The Custom Widgets are not really that much custom, I had to hard code the templates so now every upgrade i'm going to have to fix manually
  3. I wish the NavBar had an option for Secondary links to show... ( pretty clunky having to set the dropdown parent as a link) also on mobile the NavBar Parent is repeated when expanding the menu
  4. The Privacy Policy bottom thing for guests does not look right on mobile (i just shut it off)
  5. Wish i could put the contact us form on the side instead for social links
  6. The user bar above the navbar does not line up on the right hand side with the rest of the board
  7. still can't find the default forum category icon setting
  8. The GIF icon on the editor is black and the rest are white... messed with this for an hour and just gave up on fixing it
  9. When editing the style templates sometime when saving it says it can't find the file (never had this issue before)

Edited by fix3r

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  On 12/21/2019 at 6:33 PM, fix3r said:
  • The 2nd slider will not show the background image, I'm having to use sliders 1,3,4,5

I just checked the 2nd slider on my side there are no issues with the background image.

try to remove the image and re upload a new one maybe?

  On 12/21/2019 at 6:33 PM, fix3r said:
  1. The js errors on safari

  Only the last one is related to magnum theme which is swiper slider.

I will check it out later on safari browser 🙂 thanks

  On 12/21/2019 at 6:33 PM, fix3r said:
  • The Custom Widgets are not really that much custom, I had to hard code the templates so now every upgrade i'm going to have to fix manually

No if you have edited "custom widgets" templates then you ONLY need to upgrade them when you are required.

If your edited templates required to be upgraded you will get a warning during the theme update 🙂 


  On 12/21/2019 at 6:33 PM, fix3r said:
  • I wish the NavBar had an option for Secondary links to show... ( pretty clunky having to set the dropdown parent as a link) 

Sorry its not possible to do secondary menu like the default IPS theme, navigation in this theme is heavily modified for a drop down menu style.


  On 12/21/2019 at 6:33 PM, fix3r said:

also on mobile the NavBar Parent is repeated

 Not sure what you mean by that.

a screenshot maybe!


  On 12/21/2019 at 6:33 PM, fix3r said:
  • The Privacy Policy bottom thing for guests does not look right on mobile (i just shut it off)

I just updated the files in marketplace 

you can redownload the theme and upgrade to fix it.

its the same theme version number 



  On 12/21/2019 at 6:33 PM, fix3r said:
  • Wish i could put the contact us form on the side instead for social links

thanks for reporting

  On 12/21/2019 at 6:33 PM, fix3r said:
  • Wish i could put the contact us form on the side instead for social links

Replace the contents of ta_Social template with this 😉 

	<div class="slContainer">
		<div class="socialLinks">
          		<a rel="nofollow" target='blank' class='cShareLink' href='{url="app=core&module=contact&controller=contact" seoTemplate="contact"}' {{if \IPS\Settings::i()->contact_type != 'contact_redirect' }}data-ipsdialog data-ipsDialog-remoteSubmit data-ipsDialog-flashMessage='{lang="contact_sent_blurb"}' data-ipsdialog-title="{lang="contact"}"{{endif}}><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a>


  On 12/21/2019 at 6:33 PM, fix3r said:
  • The user bar above the navbar does not line up on the right hand side with the rest of the board

It does line with the board but not the navbar which was on purpose during the design. 


  On 12/21/2019 at 6:33 PM, fix3r said:
  • still can't find the default forum category icon setting

 its in the forum settings and not the theme,

edit a forum and from there you can see the forum icon setting 

  On 12/21/2019 at 6:33 PM, fix3r said:
  • The GIF icon on the editor is black and the rest are white... messed with this for an hour and just gave up on fixing it

no wonder you have ckeditor errors in console

  On 12/21/2019 at 6:33 PM, fix3r said:


i suggest you to revert the templates changes you have done with the "revert" button, and i strongly suggest you NOT to edit default IPS templates otherwise you will end up to check for template changes everytime you update your site.

Feel free to edit the templates that start with t_ like ta_Social, ta_Widgets.... 🙂 


the GIF icon is actually a solid image while others are font awesome icons thats why it does not change color like others.

Try to use a suitable color for editor icons.



  On 12/21/2019 at 6:33 PM, fix3r said:
  1. When editing the style templates sometime when saving it says it can't find the file (never had this issue before)

This problem is not related to magnum theme.

I also get this since a couple IPS version lol it only happens sometimes and usually with custom.css template 

i never reported to IPS because it doesnt bug me much


Edited by TAMAN

The contact us on the side bar is awesome: I just bought this - Sticky Contact Us Button and now i dont need to use it!

Wow great support thanks!!

I restored my editor to default the errors are gone but the gif icon is still black..


The submenu starts with the parent it should only be childs


Here is a Demo of the Contact Us sidebar sticky for anyone that is curious...


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  On 12/22/2019 at 12:01 AM, fix3r said:

The submenu starts with the parent it should only be childs

Its on purpose, because sometimes the parent link could also be a link and not just to open sub links 🙂

its done by ips not me tho 

  On 12/21/2019 at 6:33 PM, fix3r said:

@TAMAN really good job on this style , it is now our default and all the members love it - https://www.mymilitia.com

Glad to hear that!

nice site btw 🙂

Edited by TAMAN

@TAMAN attached is the missing file from your theme that creates a console error on safari browser, i have uploaded to directory called out and all is well


Please can you tell me how to remove the border from reactions


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  On 12/22/2019 at 6:34 AM, fix3r said:

Please can you tell me how to remove the border from reactions


There are no borders around reaction in this theme

you might need to contact the author of this "Featured Post" block 

@TAMAN is there anyway you can look into the CSS jittering on safari it is really bad on my site..


i think the fix is 

transform: translateZ(0);


-webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;

but i do not know where to put this code to cover the entire site or which is the correct one...

Look close at the video and you can see the font changing it is really bad

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  On 12/24/2019 at 1:55 AM, fix3r said:

Look close at the video and you can see the font changing it is really bad


Please test it on default IPS theme first, i dont have any kind of that issue on safari. 😕 

It is finde on default and other themes, it must be associated with your hover effects , because it only happens when scrolling into an area with them effects, anywhere a button is... and even on the topics as the permanent links transform the post flickers 



here is more from your site...


Edited by fix3r

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-Swiper Slider
	Using latest swiper slider CDN links for latest versions.
	Minor bug fixes in Safari browser.
-You can now add "Contact Us" button inside the sticky social bar.
	A seeting to enable that was added to Social Links theme settings tab.

-Cleaning up some CSS jitters.
-Replaced default Editor icon's with Font Awesome icons.
-Minor adjustments and bug fixes.