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Can't see lightbox nav arrows when on white images


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  • 2 weeks later...

The arrows are font-awesome icons, so look at http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/ to see the icons available.

Using the gallery specifically, the selectors for the left/right icons are:

#elGalleryImageNav_next > i.fa-angle-left:before{

#elGalleryImageNav_next > i.fa-angle-right:before{

Not sure if you can add anything much to them using css, but if you want to change them to a different icon then the following would change them to the arrow-left and arrow-right equivalents (again, see that link above)

#elGalleryImageNav_next > i.fa-angle-left:before{
	content: "\f060";

#elGalleryImageNav_next > i.fa-angle-right:before{
	content: "\f061";


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