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Set Cometchat for specific IPB groups only


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Hello everybody,

We are using cometchat with our IPBoard since few days, looks really great and our members appreciate it.

We are looking to set it for a premium group on our IPBOARD, we contacted the cometchat support and they told us how to but looks little bit hard to do, here's their response :



The getUserID() function inside '/cometchat/integration.php' file returns the userid of logged-in users. Please go through the following steps to disable CometChat for certain user groups.

1. In getUserID() function just above the return statement write a query which will fetch user group of the currently logged-in users.
2. If the current user is in the group for whom you want to disable CometChat then return '0' as userid of those users else return the userid of currently logged-in users.
3. This will hide CometChat bar for the user group for whom you want to disable CometChat.


Any idea ? If you need the cometchat files in cand send them.



	function getUserID() {
		$userid = 0;
		if (!empty($_SESSION['basedata']) && $_SESSION['basedata'] != 'null') {
			$_REQUEST['basedata'] = $_SESSION['basedata'];
		if (!empty($_REQUEST['basedata'])) {
			if (function_exists('mcrypt_encrypt') && defined('ENCRYPT_USERID') && ENCRYPT_USERID == '1') {
				$key = "";
				if( defined('KEY_A') && defined('KEY_B') && defined('KEY_C') ){
					$key = KEY_A.KEY_B.KEY_C;
				$uid = rtrim(mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, md5($key), base64_decode(rawurldecode($_REQUEST['basedata'])), MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, md5(md5($key))), "\0");
				if (intval($uid) > 0) {
					$userid = $uid;
			} else {
				$userid = $_REQUEST['basedata'];
		if (isset($_COOKIE['ips4_member_id']) && empty($userid)) {
			$userid = $_COOKIE['ips4_member_id'];
		$userid = intval($userid);
		return $userid;



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I just do this in the IPB global template so it only loads scripts for certain groups and if they are not banned. So something like:

{{if !member.temp_ban and in_array(member.member_group_id, array('3','4','6','7','8'))}}
....replace with your group numbers above in the array to have access and put scripts here that load the bar....


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@MADMAN32395 thank you, we are looking how to hide cometchat from non-premium members :)

@prupdatedthank you, its a good idea,j i am just tried it and its working  ! the problem is that our forum visitors will not see this feature, only a specifi group will see it !

i was wondering if there is a way to show the chat without using it for non premium membersd !? you think its possible and easy to do ?

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4 hours ago, Janyour said:

i was wondering if there is a way to show the chat without using it for non premium membersd !? you think its possible and easy to do ?

Not that I know of offhand. That probably requires editing the cometchat files. Maybe you could just put a banner or something showing non premium members what they're missing out on. Besides, for load purposes, I generally avoid showing the bar to anyone who can't actually use it.

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