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BBCode Dailymotion [IPS]


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Here, the problem encountered on my site is that of BBCode Dailymotion. I can not set it up properly! There are of two add-ons available on the website of CKEditor, but they do not satisfy me at all. Some errors when installed!
That's why I thought it was better to have a custom button, in other words to have a good BBCode Dailymotion.

Do any of you can help me implement this code in the admin panel of my editor?

Thank you in advance,



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This is yet one more "minor" thing about IPS that  adds up to a bigger negative total.  Lack of ability to create your own media BBcode.  Guess I got spoiled to the script I run on two other forums (which has it).  

It's really getting old hearing the "oh, there's an add-on" refrain, or something to the effect that "oh, that can be resolved for you by some of the independent add-on developers as we don't think it's in high enough demand to implement in the core" responses.  
I'm seriously looking at grabbing a copy of WBB to check it out and if it's better moving the site over to it (or just go to XenForo) and cut my losses.  And yes, I'm frustrated with it - I can see the potential in it - but that potential apparently doesn't want to be realized by those in the drivers seat.

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