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Guests are being created as members


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Only on a custom skin - I can't figure it out. Guests are being created as members on every visit. This is stopping registrations as the login / sign up bars aren't working.. Tried disabling plugins and everything, nothing. switch to default skin and it is fine. I tried reverting my changes to the userBar template, as I thought I'd flubbed an if / else combo, but nothing changes. Also, why would it be creating accounts? So confusing..


Help! :(


Screen Shot 2015-07-10 at 06.13.18.png

Screen Shot 2015-07-10 at 06.13.08.png


@Daniel F thanks for the reply.  The only thing I've done with the site is create the skin and install some very basic plugins, which I have disabled for testing purposes and this still happens on my custom skin. Not the default even with the plugins.

Marcher suggested it might be a missing = in a conditional where guests are checked for, eg:

{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_group_id = \IPS\Settings::i()->guest_group}

However I cannot find anything to do with guest_group in the three templates I've modified - navBar, userBar and globalTemplate. All I've done is move the create menu to navBar and move user drop down to the navbar. I can't find any unclosed conditions, and I'm sure the suite would alert me (no?) - I'll keep looking as it does appear to be a skin issue.


Well, if you really want to track it down, you could put the following code in the beginning part of the save() method inside the ./system/Member/Member.php file and browse around as a guest until you get the backtrace output.

if ( ! $this->member_id )
    print "<pre>";
    print_r( debug_backtrace() );

That should give you a backtrace of where in particular the faulty code is saving the guest member object.


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