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After ( ACP is slow )


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After I upgraded to the latest updated, loging into ACP and trying to navigate and update or edit things is EXTREMELY slow sadly this also effected my other website that runs on WordPress x.x !! 


I tried to use default and resulted in the same issue :( cleared cache nothing helped ( BUT when u open the site normal it opens fast .


Also when I trink to link a a link from my pages to twitter, twitter informs internal server error, but if I try a link from my other website that runs on WordPress it doesn't give me any issues and allows me to post << Fixed it self idk how 

Also for example I am editing my theme then after I save the edit it loads the page really long then it says this : 

Network Error (tcp_error) 
A communication error occurred: "Operation timed out"
The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests. You may wish to try again at a later time.

For assistance, contact your network support team.


Also it updates the things I have edited the theme, and I have re-login into ACP

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I just checked in the support thing in ACP it says :

Some of your files have been modified. Remove any customisations from following files and then check if the problem is resolved:

  • /home/ksalue/public_html/forums/applications/cms/sources/Fields/Fields.php

 I opened that file and here it is I never touched that :


 * @brief		Database Field Node
 * @author		<a href='http://www.invisionpower.com'>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright	(c) 2001 - SVN_YYYY Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license		http://www.invisionpower.com/legal/standards/
 * @package		IPS Social Suite
 * @since		2 Apr 2014

 * @todo: Shared media field type
 * @todo: Relational field type
namespace IPS\cms;

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
	header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

 * Database Field Node
class _Fields extends \IPS\CustomField implements \IPS\Node\Permissions
	 * @brief	[ActiveRecord] Multiton Store
	protected static $multitons = array();
	 * @brief	[ActiveRecord] Database Table
	public static $databaseTable = 'cms_database_fields';
	 * @brief	[Fields] Custom Database Id
	public static $customDatabaseId = NULL;
	 * @brief	[ActiveRecord] Database Prefix
	public static $databasePrefix = 'field_';
	 * @brief	[ActiveRecord] ID Database Column
	public static $databaseColumnId = 'id';

	 * @brief	[ActiveRecord] Database ID Fields
	protected static $databaseIdFields = array('field_id', 'field_key');

	 * @brief	[Node] Order Database Column
	public static $databaseColumnOrder = 'position';
	 * @brief	[CustomField] Title/Description lang prefix
	protected static $langKey = 'content_field';
	 * @brief	Have fetched all?
	protected static $gotAll = FALSE;
	 * @brief	The map of permission columns
	public static $permissionMap = array(
			'view' 				=> 'view',
			'edit'				=> 2,
			'add'               => 3
	 * @brief	[Node] App for permission index
	public static $permApp = 'cms';
	 * @brief	[Node] Type for permission index
	public static $permType = 'fields';
	 * @brief	[Node] Prefix string that is automatically prepended to permission matrix language strings
	public static $permissionLangPrefix = 'perm_content_field_';
	 * @brief	[Node] ACP Restrictions
	protected static $restrictions = array(
		'app'		=> 'cms',
		'module'	=> 'database',
		'prefix'	=> 'fields_',

	 * @brief	[Node] Title prefix.  If specified, will look for a language key with "{$key}_title" as the key
	public static $titleLangPrefix = 'content_field_';
	 * @brief	[Node] Sortable?
	public static $nodeSortable = TRUE;
	 * @brief	[Node] Node Title
	public static $nodeTitle = '';
	 * @brief	[CustomField] Database table
	protected static $contentDatabaseTable;
	 * @brief	[CustomField] Upload storage extension
	protected static $uploadStorageExtension = 'cms_Records';

	 * @brief	[CustomField] Cache retrieved fields
	protected static $cache = array();

	 * @brief   Custom Media fields
	protected static $mediaFields = array( 'Youtube', 'Spotify', 'Soundcloud' );

	 * @brief	Skip the title and content fields
	 * @brief	Show only fields allowed on the comment form
	 * @brief	Show only fields allowed on the listing view
	 * @brief	Show only fields allowed on the record view
	 * @brief	Show only fields allowed to be filterable
	 * Load Record
	 * @see		\IPS\Db::build
	 * @param	int|string	$id					ID
	 * @param	string		$idField			The database column that the $id parameter pertains to (NULL will use static::$databaseColumnId)
	 * @param	mixed		$extraWhereClause	Additional where clause(s) (see \IPS\Db::build for details)
	 * @return	static
	 * @throws	\InvalidArgumentException
	 * @throws	\OutOfRangeException
	public static function load( $id, $idField=NULL, $extraWhereClause=NULL )
		if ( $idField === 'field_key' )
			$extraWhereClause = array( 'field_database_id=?', static::$customDatabaseId );
		return parent::load( $id, $idField, $extraWhereClause );
	 * Fetch All Root Nodes
	 * @param	string|NULL			$permissionCheck	The permission key to check for or NULl to not check permissions
	 * @param	\IPS\Member|NULL	$member				The member to check permissions for or NULL for the currently logged in member
	 * @param	mixed				$where				Additional WHERE clause
	 * @return	array
	public static function roots( $permissionCheck='view', $member=NULL, $where=array() )
		$permissionCheck = ( \IPS\Dispatcher::i()->controllerLocation === 'admin' ) ? NULL : $permissionCheck;

		if ( ! isset( static::$cache[ static::$customDatabaseId ][ $permissionCheck ] ) )
			$langToLoad = array();
			$where[]    = array('field_database_id=?', static::$customDatabaseId );

			static::$cache[ static::$customDatabaseId ][ $permissionCheck ] = parent::roots( $permissionCheck, $member, $where );

			foreach( static::$cache[ static::$customDatabaseId ][ $permissionCheck ] as $id => $obj )
				if ( ! in_array( $obj->type, static::$additionalFieldTypes ) AND ( ! class_exists( '\IPS\Helpers\Form\\' . ucfirst( $obj->type ) ) AND ! class_exists( '\IPS\cms\Fields\\' . ucfirst( $obj->type ) ) ) )
					unset( static::$cache[ static::$customDatabaseId ][ $permissionCheck ][ $id ] );

				$langToLoad[] = static::$langKey . '_' . $obj->id;
				$langToLoad[] = static::$langKey . '_' . $obj->id . '_desc';
				$langToLoad[] = static::$langKey . '_' . $obj->id . '_warning';

			if ( count( $langToLoad ) AND \IPS\Dispatcher::i()->controllerLocation !== 'setup' )
				\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->get( $langToLoad );

		return static::$cache[ static::$customDatabaseId ][ $permissionCheck ];
	 * Get Field Data
	 * @param	string|NULL		            $permissionCheck	The permission key to check for or NULl to not check permissions
	 * @param	\IPS\Node\Model|NULL		$container			Parent container
	 * @param   INT                         $flags              Bit flags
	 * @return	array
	public static function data( $permissionCheck=NULL, \IPS\Node\Model $container=NULL, $flags=0 )
		$fields   = array();
		$database = \IPS\cms\Databases::load( static::$customDatabaseId );
		foreach( static::roots( $permissionCheck ) as $row )
			if ( $container !== NULL AND $database->use_categories )
				if ( $container->fields !== '*' AND $container->fields !== NULL )
					if ( ! in_array( $row->id, $container->fields ) AND $row->id != $database->field_title AND $row->id != $database->field_content )

			if ( $flags & self::FIELD_SKIP_TITLE_CONTENT AND ( $row->id == $database->field_title OR $row->id == $database->field_content ) )
			if ( $flags & self::FIELD_DISPLAY_FILTERS AND ! $row->filter )
			$fields[ $row->id ] = $row;
		return $fields;
	 * Get Fields
	 * @param	array			            $values				Current values
	 * @param	string|NULL		            $permissionCheck	The permission key to check for or NULl to not check permissions
	 * @param	\IPS\Node\Model|NULL		$container			Parent container
	 * @param	int				            $flags				Bit flags
	 * @param   \IPS\cms\Records|NULL       $record             The record itself
	 * @return	array
	public static function fields( $values, $permissionCheck='view', \IPS\Node\Model $container=NULL, $flags=0, \IPS\cms\Records $record = NULL )
		$fields        = array();
		$database      = \IPS\cms\Databases::load( static::$customDatabaseId );

		foreach( static::roots( $permissionCheck ) as $row )
			if ( $container !== NULL AND $database->use_categories )
				if ( $container->fields !== '*' AND $container->fields !== NULL )
					if ( ! in_array( $row->id, $container->fields ) AND $row->id != $database->field_title AND $row->id != $database->field_content )

			if ( $flags & self::FIELD_SKIP_TITLE_CONTENT AND ( $row->id == $database->field_title OR $row->id == $database->field_content ) )
			if ( $flags & self::FIELD_DISPLAY_COMMENTFORM )
				if ( ! $row->display_commentform )

			if ( $flags & self::FIELD_DISPLAY_LISTING AND ( ! $row->display_listing ) )
			if ( $flags & self::FIELD_DISPLAY_RECORD AND ( ! $row->display_display ) )
			if ( $flags & self::FIELD_DISPLAY_FILTERS  )
				if ( ! $row->filter )
					if ( $row->type === 'Radio' )
						$row->type = 'Select';

					$row->required = FALSE;
					if ( $row->type === 'Select' )
						$row->is_multiple = true;

			if ( isset( $values['field_' . $row->id ] ) )
				$fields[ $row->id ] = $row->buildHelper( $values['field_' . $row->id ], NULL, $record, $flags );
				$fields[ $row->id ] = $row->buildHelper( $row->default_value, NULL, $record, $flags );

		return $fields;
	 * Get Values
	 * @param	array			            $values				Current values
	 * @param	string|NULL		            $permissionCheck	The permission key to check for or NULl to not check permissions
	 * @param	\IPS\Node\Model|NULL		$container			Parent container
	 * @return	array
	public static function values( $values, $permissionCheck='view', \IPS\Node\Model $container=NULL )
		$fields   = array();
		$database = \IPS\cms\Databases::load( static::$customDatabaseId );
		foreach( static::roots( $permissionCheck ) as $row )
			if ( $container !== NULL AND $database->use_categories )
				if ( $container->fields !== '*' AND $container->fields !== NULL )
					if ( ! in_array( $row->id, $container->fields ) AND $row->id != $database->field_title AND $row->id != $database->field_content )
			if ( isset( $values[ 'field_' . $row->id ] ) )
				$fields[ 'field_' . $row->id ] = $values[ 'field_' . $row->id ];
		return $fields;
	 * Display Values
	 * @param	array			            $values				Current values
	 * @param	string|NULL		            $display			Type of display (listing/display/raw/processed).
	 * @param	\IPS\Node\Model|NULL		$container			Parent container
	 * @param   string                      $index              Field to index return array on
	 * @param	NULL|\IPS\cms\Record		$record				Record showing this field
	 * @note    Raw means the value saved from the input field, processed has the form display value method called. Listing and display take the options set by the field (badges, custom, etc)
	 * @return	array
	public static function display( $values, $display='listing', \IPS\Node\Model $container=NULL, $index='key', $record=NULL )
		$fields   = array();
		$database = \IPS\cms\Databases::load( static::$customDatabaseId );
		foreach( static::roots('view') as $row )
			if ( $display !== 'record' AND ( $row->id == $database->field_title OR $row->id == $database->field_content ) )
			if ( $container !== NULL AND $database->use_categories )
				if ( $container->fields !== '*' AND $container->fields !== NULL )
					if ( ! in_array( $row->id, $container->fields ) AND $row->id != $database->field_title AND $row->id != $database->field_content )

			$formValue = empty( $values[ 'field_' . $row->id ] ) ? $row->default_value : $values[ 'field_' . $row->id ];
			$value     = $row->displayValue( ( ! isset( $values[ 'field_' . $row->id ] ) OR $values[ 'field_' . $row->id ] === NULL ) ? $row->default_value : $values[ 'field_' . $row->id ] );

			if ( $display === 'listing' )
				if ( $display === 'listing' and ! $row->display_listing )

				$value = $row->truncate( $value, TRUE );

				if ( $value )
					$value = $row->formatForDisplay( $value, $formValue, 'listing', $record );
			else if ( $display === 'display' )
				if ( $display === 'display' and ! $row->display_display )

				if ( $value )
					$value = $row->formatForDisplay( $value, $formValue, 'display', $record );
			else if ( $display === 'raw' )
				$value = $formValue;

			$fields[ ( $index === 'id' ? $row->id : $row->key ) ] = $value;

		return $fields;

	 * Display the field
	 * @param   mixed        $value         Processed value
	 * @param   mixed        $formValue     Raw form value
	 * @param   string       $type          Type of display (listing/display/raw/processed).
	 * @param	NULL|\IPS\cms\Record	$record	Record showing this field
	 * @note    Raw means the value saved from the input field, processed has the form display value method called. Listing and display take the options set by the field (badges, custom, etc)
	 * @return mixed|string
	 * @throws \ErrorException
	public function formatForDisplay( $value, $formValue, $type='listing', $record=NULL )
		if ( $type === 'raw' )
			if ( $this->type === 'Upload' )
				return (string) \IPS\File::get( static::$uploadStorageExtension, $value )->url;
			return $formValue;
		else if ( $type === 'processed' )
			return $value;

		$options = $this->display_json;

		if ( isset( $options[ $type ]['method'] ) )
			if ( in_array( $this->type, static::$mediaFields ) )
				$template = mb_strtolower( $this->type );

				if ( $options[ $type ]['method'] === 'player' )
					$class = '\IPS\cms\Fields\\' . $this->type;

					if ( method_exists( $class, 'displayValue' ) )
						$value = $class::displayValue( $formValue, $this );
							$value = \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'records', 'cms', 'global' )->$template( $formValue, $this->extra );
						catch( \Exception $ex )
							$value = $formValue;
					$value = $formValue;
				if ( $options[ $type ]['method'] == 'custom' )
					if ( $this->type === 'Upload' )
						if ( mb_strstr( $value, ',' ) )
							$files = explode( ',', $value );
							$files = array( $value );

						$objects = array();
						foreach ( $files as $file )
							$objects[] = \IPS\File::get( static::$uploadStorageExtension, (string) $file );

						if ( ! $this->is_multiple )
							$value = array_shift( $objects );
							$value = $objects;

					$value = trim( $this->parseCustomHtml( $type, $options[ $type ]['html'], $formValue, $value ) );
				else if ( $options[ $type ]['method'] !== 'none' )
					$class = 'ipsBadge_style' . $options[ $type ]['method'];

					if ( isset( $options[ $type ]['right'] ) AND $options[ $type ]['right'] )
						$class .= ' ' . 'ipsPos_right';

					if ( $this->type === 'Address' and $formValue and isset( $options[ $type ]['map'] ) AND $options[ $type ]['map'] )
						$value .= \IPS\GeoLocation::buildFromJson( $formValue )->map()->render( $options[ $type ]['mapDims'][0], $options[ $type ]['mapDims'][1] );

					if ( $this->type === 'Upload' )
						if ( mb_strstr( $value, ',' ) )
							$files = explode( ',', $value );
							$files = array( $value );

						$parsed = array();
						foreach( $files as $file )
							$file = \IPS\File::get( static::$uploadStorageExtension, (string) $file );

							if ( $file->isImage() and $type === 'display' )
								\IPS\Output::i()->metaTags['og:image:url'][] = (string) $file->url;

							$parsed[] = \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'global', 'cms', 'front' )->uploadDisplay( \IPS\File::get( static::$uploadStorageExtension, $file ), $record );

						$value = implode( " ", $parsed );

					$value = \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'records', 'cms', 'global' )->fieldBadge( $this->_title, $value, $class );
			$value = \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'records', 'cms', 'global' )->fieldDefault( $this->_title, $value );

		return $value;

	 * Parse custom HTML
	 * @parse   string  $type           Type of display
	 * @param   string  $template       The HTML to parse
	 * @param   string  $formValue      The form value (key of select box, for example)
	 * @param   string  $value          The display value
	 * @return \IPS\Theme
	public function parseCustomHtml( $type, $template, $formValue, $value )
		$functionName = $this->fieldTemplateName( $type );
		$options      = $this->display_json;

		if ( $formValue and $this->type === 'Address' )
			$template = str_replace( '{map}'    , \IPS\GeoLocation::buildFromJson( $formValue )->map()->render( $options[ $type ]['mapDims'][0], $options[ $type ]['mapDims'][1] ), $template );
			$template = str_replace( '{address}', \IPS\GeoLocation::parseForOutput( $formValue ), $template );
			$template = \IPS\Theme::compileTemplate( $template, $functionName, '$value, $formValue, $label', true );
			if ( $this->type === 'Upload' )
				if ( is_array( $value ) )
					foreach( $value as $idx => $val )
						if ( $val instanceof \IPS\File\FileSystem )
							$value[ $idx ] = (string) $val->url;
				else if ( $value instanceof \IPS\File\FileSystem )
					$value = (string) $value->url;
			if ( ! isset( \IPS\Data\Store::i()->$functionName ) )
				\IPS\Data\Store::i()->$functionName = \IPS\Theme::compileTemplate( $template, $functionName, '$value, $formValue, $label', true );

			$template = \IPS\Data\Store::i()->$functionName;

		\IPS\Theme::runProcessFunction( $template, $functionName );

		return call_user_func( 'IPS\\Theme\\'. $functionName, $value, $formValue, $this->_title );

	 * Show this form field?
	 * @param	 string	 	$field		Field key
	 * @param	 string		$where		Where to show, form or record
	 * @param	\IPS\Member|\IPS\Member\Group|NULL	$member			The member or group to check (NULL for currently logged in member)
	 * @return	 boolean
	public static function fixedFieldFormShow( $field, $where='form', $member=NULL )
		$fixedFields = \IPS\cms\Databases::load( static::$customDatabaseId )->fixed_field_perms;
		$perm        = ( $where === 'form' ) ? 'perm_2' : 'perm_view';
		if ( ! in_array( $field, array_keys( $fixedFields ) ) )
			return FALSE;
		$permissions = $fixedFields[ $field ];
		if ( empty( $permissions['visible'] ) OR empty( $permissions[ $perm ] ) )
			return FALSE;
		/* Load member */
		if ( $member === NULL )
			$member = \IPS\Member::loggedIn();
		/* Finally check permissions */
		if( $member instanceof \IPS\Member\Group )
			return ( $permissions[ $perm ] === '*' or ( $permissions[ $perm ] and in_array( $member->g_id, explode( ',', $permissions[ $perm ] ) ) ) );
			return ( $permissions[ $perm ] === '*' or ( $permissions[ $perm ] and $member->inGroup( explode( ',', $permissions[ $perm ] ) ) ) );
	 * Get fixed field permissions as an array or a *
	 * @param	string|null		$field		Field Key
	 * @return array|string|null
	public static function fixedFieldPermissions( $field=NULL )
		$fixedFields = \IPS\cms\Databases::load( static::$customDatabaseId )->fixed_field_perms;
		if ( $field !== NULL AND in_array( $field, array_keys( $fixedFields ) ) )
			return $fixedFields[ $field ]; 
		return ( $field !== NULL ) ? NULL : $fixedFields;
	 * Set fixed field permissions
	 * @param	string	$field		Field Key
	 * @param	array	$values		Perm values
	 * @return  void
	public static function setFixedFieldPermissions( $field, $values )
		$fixedFields = \IPS\cms\Databases::load( static::$customDatabaseId )->fixed_field_perms;

		foreach( $values as $k => $v )
			$fixedFields[ $field ][ $k ] = $v;

		\IPS\cms\Databases::load( static::$customDatabaseId )->fixed_field_perms = $fixedFields;
		\IPS\cms\Databases::load( static::$customDatabaseId )->save();
	 * Set the visiblity
	 * @param	string	$field		Field Key
	 * @param	bool	$value		True/False
	 * @return  void
	public static function setFixedFieldVisibility( $field, $value )
		$fixedFields = \IPS\cms\Databases::load( static::$customDatabaseId )->fixed_field_perms;
		$fixedFields[ $field ]['visible'] = $value;

		\IPS\cms\Databases::load( static::$customDatabaseId )->fixed_field_perms = $fixedFields;
		\IPS\cms\Databases::load( static::$customDatabaseId )->save();
	 * Magic method to capture validateInput_{id} callbacks
	 * @param 	string 		$name		Name of method called
	 * @param	 mixed 		$arguments	Args passed
	 * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
	public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments)
		if ( mb_substr( $name, 0, 14 ) === 'validateInput_' )
			$id = mb_substr( $name, 14 );
			if ( is_numeric( $id ) )
				$field = static::load( $id );
			if ( ! empty($arguments[0]) AND $field->validator AND $field->validator_custom )
				if ( ! preg_match( $field->validator_custom, $arguments[0] ) )
					throw new \InvalidArgumentException( ( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('content_field_' . $field->id . '_validation_error') === 'content_field_' . $field->id . '_validation_error' ) ? 'content_exception_invalid_custom_validation' : \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('content_field_' . $field->id . '_validation_error') );
	 * [ActiveRecord] Duplicate
	 * @return	void
	public function __clone()
		$this->key .= '_' . $this->id;
	 * Set some default values
	 * @return void
	public function setDefaultValues()
		$this->_data['extra'] = '';
		$this->_data['default_value'] = '';
		$this->_data['format_opts'] = '';
		$this->_data['validator'] = '';
		$this->_data['topic_format'] = '';
		$this->_data['allowed_extensions'] = '';
		$this->_data['validator_custom'] = '';
		$this->_data['display_json'] = array();;

	 * Field custom template name
	 * @param   string  $type   Type of name to fetch
	 * @return string
	public function fieldTemplateName( $type )
		return 'pages_field_custom_html_' . $type . '_' . $this->id;

	 * Set the "display json" field
	 * @param string|array $value
	 * @return void
	public function set_display_json( $value )
		$this->_data['display_json'] = ( is_array( $value ) ? json_encode( $value ) : $value );

	 * Get the "display json" field
	 * @return array
	public function get_display_json()
		return ( is_array( $this->_data['display_json'] ) ) ? $this->_data['display_json'] : json_decode( $this->_data['display_json'], TRUE );

	 * Set the "Format Options" field
	 * @param string|array $value
	 * @return void
	public function set_format_opts( $value )
		$this->_data['format_opts'] = ( is_array( $value ) ? json_encode( $value ) : $value );
	 * Get the "Format Options" field
	 * @return array
	public function get_format_opts()
		return json_decode( $this->_data['format_opts'], TRUE );
	 * Set the "extra" field
	 * @param string|array $value
	 * @return void
	public function set_extra( $value )
		$this->_data['extra'] = ( is_array( $value ) ? json_encode( $value ) : $value );
	 * Set the "allowed_extensions" field
	 * @param string|array $value
	 * @return void
	public function set_allowed_extensions( $value )
		$this->_data['allowed_extensions'] = ( is_array( $value ) ? json_encode( $value ) : $value );
	 * Get the "extra" field
	 * @return array
	public function get_extra()
		return json_decode( $this->_data['extra'], TRUE );
	 * Get the "allowed_extensions" field
	 * @return array
	public function get_allowed_extensions()
		return json_decode( $this->_data['allowed_extensions'], TRUE );
	 * [Node] Get Node Title
	 * @return	string
	protected function get__title()
		if ( !$this->id )
			return '';
			return \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->get( static::$langKey . '_' . $this->id );
		catch( \UnderflowException $e )
			return FALSE;
	 * [Node] Get Description
	 * @return	string|null
	protected function get__description()
			return \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->get( static::$langKey . '_' . $this->id . '_desc' );
		catch( \UnderflowException $e )
			return FALSE;
	 * [Node] Return the custom badge for each row
	 * @return	NULL|array		Null for no badge, or an array of badge data (0 => CSS class type, 1 => language string, 2 => optional raw HTML to show instead of language string)
	protected function get__badge()
		$badge = null;

		if ( \IPS\cms\Databases::load( $this->database_id )->field_title == $this->id )
			$badge = array( 0 => 'positive ipsPos_right', 1 => 'content_fields_is_title' );
		else if ( \IPS\cms\Databases::load( $this->database_id )->field_content == $this->id )
			$badge = array( 0 => 'positive ipsPos_right', 1 => 'content_fields_is_content' );
		return $badge;

	 * [Node] Get Icon for tree
	 * @note	Return the class for the icon (e.g. 'globe')
	 * @return	string|null
	protected function get__icon()
		if ( class_exists( '\IPS\Helpers\Form\\' . ucfirst( $this->type ) ) )
			return NULL;
		else if ( class_exists( '\IPS\cms\Fields\\' . ucfirst( $this->type ) ) )
			return NULL;

		return 'warning';

	 * Truncate the field value
	 * @param	string      $text	Value to truncate
	 * @param   boolean     $oneLine    Truncate to a single line?
	 * @return	string
	public function truncate( $text, $oneLine=FALSE )
		if ( ! $this->truncate )
			return $text;
		switch( ucfirst( $this->type ) )
				// No truncate
			case 'Radio':
			case 'Select':
			case 'Text':
				$text = mb_substr( $text, 0, $this->truncate );
			case 'TextArea':
			case 'Editor':
				$text = preg_replace( '#</p>(\s+?)?<p>#', $oneLine ? ' $1' : '<br>$1', $text );
				$text = str_replace( array( '<p>', '</p>', '<div>', '</div>' ), '', $text );
				$text = '<div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-size="' . $this->truncate . '">' . $text . '</div>';
		return $text;

	 * Display Value
	 * @param	mixed	$value	The value
	 * @return	string
	public function displayValue( $value=NULL )
		$database = \IPS\cms\Databases::load( static::$customDatabaseId );

		switch( ucfirst( $this->type ) )
			case 'Upload':
				return \IPS\File::get( 'cms_Records', $value )->url;
			case 'Text':
			case 'TextArea':
				$this->applyFormatter( $value );

				/* We don't want the parent adding wordbreak to the title */
				if ( $this->id == $database->field_title OR $this->id == $database->field_content )
					return $value;
			case 'Select':
			case 'Radio':
				/* This comes from a keyValue stack, so reformat */
				if ( $this->extra and isset( $this->extra[0]['key'] ) )
					$extra = array();
					foreach( $this->extra as $id => $row )
						$extra[ $row['key'] ] = $row['value']; 
					$this->extra = $extra;

				if ( ! is_array( $value ) and $this->is_multiple )
					$value = explode( ',', $value );

				if ( is_array( $value ) )
					$return = array();
					foreach( $value as $key )
						$return[] = isset( $this->extra[ $key ] ) ? htmlentities( $this->extra[ $key ], \IPS\HTMLENTITIES, 'UTF-8', FALSE ) : htmlentities( $key, \IPS\HTMLENTITIES, 'UTF-8', FALSE );

					return implode( ', ', $return );
					return ( isset( $this->extra[ $value ] ) ? htmlentities( $this->extra[ $value ], \IPS\HTMLENTITIES, 'UTF-8', FALSE ) : htmlentities( $value, \IPS\HTMLENTITIES, 'UTF-8', FALSE ) );
			case 'Member':
				if ( ! $value )
					return NULL;
			case 'Url':
				if ( \IPS\Dispatcher::hasInstance() AND class_exists( '\IPS\Dispatcher', FALSE ) and \IPS\Dispatcher::i()->controllerLocation === 'front' )
					return ( $value ) ? \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'global', 'core', 'global' )->basicUrl( $value ) : NULL;
			case 'Date':
				if ( ! $value or ! is_numeric( $value ) )
					return \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('field_no_value_entered');

				$time = \IPS\DateTime::ts( $value, TRUE );
				if ( isset( $this->extra['timezone'] ) and $this->extra['timezone'] )
					$time->setTimezone( new \DateTimeZone( $this->extra['timezone'] ) );

				return \IPS\Lang::wordbreak( $time->localeDate() );


		/* Formatters */
			return parent::displayValue( $value );
		catch( \InvalidArgumentException $ex )
			return NULL;
	 * Apply formatter
	 * @param	mixed	$value	The value
	 * @return	string
	public function applyFormatter( $value )
		switch( $this->format_opts )
			case 'strtolower':
				$value	= mb_convert_case( $value, MB_CASE_LOWER );
			case 'strtoupper':
				$value	= mb_convert_case( $value, MB_CASE_UPPER );
			case 'ucfirst':
				$value	= ( mb_strtoupper( mb_substr( $value, 0, 1 ) ) . mb_substr( $value, 1, mb_strlen( $value ) ) );
			case 'ucwords':
				$value	= mb_convert_case( $value, MB_CASE_TITLE );
			case 'punct':
				$value	= preg_replace( "/\?{1,}/"		, "?"		, $value );
				$value	= preg_replace( "/(&#33;){1,}/"	, "&#33;"	, $value );
			case 'numerical':
				$value	= \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->formatNumber( $value );
			case 'bold':
				$value = '<strong>' . $value . '</strong>';
			case 'italic':
				$value = '<em>' . $value . '</em>';
		return $value;

	 * [Node] Get buttons to display in tree
	 * Example code explains return value
	 * @code
	 'icon'	=>	'plus-circle', // Name of FontAwesome icon to use
	 'title'	=> 'foo',		// Language key to use for button's title parameter
	 'link'	=> \IPS\Http\Url::internal( 'app=foo...' )	// URI to link to
	 'class'	=> 'modalLink'	// CSS Class to use on link (Optional)
	 ...							// Additional buttons
	 * @encode
	 * @param	string	$url		Base URL
	 * @param	bool	$subnode	Is this a subnode?
	 * @return	array
	public function getButtons( $url, $subnode=FALSE )
		$buttons  = parent::getButtons( $url, $subnode );
		$database = \IPS\cms\Databases::load( $this->database_id );

		if ( $this->canEdit() )
			if ( $this->id != $database->field_title and $this->id != $database->field_content )
				if ( $this->canBeTitleField() )
					$buttons['set_as_title'] = array(
						'icon'	=> 'list-ul',
						'title'	=> 'cms_set_field_as_title',
						'link'	=> $url->setQueryString( array( 'do' => 'setAsTitle', 'id' => $this->_id ) ),
						'data'	=> array()

				if ( $this->canBeContentField() )
					$buttons['set_as_content'] = array(
						'icon'	=> 'file-text-o',
						'title'	=> 'cms_set_field_as_content',
						'link'	=> $url->setQueryString( array( 'do' => 'setAsContent', 'id' => $this->_id ) ),
						'data'	=> array()

		return $buttons;

	 * Can this field be a title field?
	 * @return boolean
	public function canBeTitleField()
		$no = array( 'Address' );

		if ( $this->is_multiple or in_array( ucfirst( $this->type ), $no ) )
			return FALSE;

		return TRUE;

	 * Can this field be a content field?
	 * @return boolean
	public function canBeContentField()
		$no = array();

		if ( $this->is_multiple or in_array( ucfirst( $this->type ), $no ) )
			return FALSE;

		return TRUE;

	 * [Node] Does the currently logged in user have permission to delete this node?
	 * @return	bool
	public function canDelete()
		$database = \IPS\cms\Databases::load( $this->database_id );

		if ( $this->id == $database->field_title or $this->id == $database->field_content )
			return FALSE;

		return parent::canDelete();

	 * [Node] Does the currently logged in user have permission to edit permissions for this node?
	 * @return	bool
	public function canManagePermissions()
		return true;
	 * [Node] Add/Edit Form
	 * @param	\IPS\Helpers\Form	$form	The form
	 * @return	void
	public function form( &$form )
		$form->hiddenValues['database_id'] = static::$customDatabaseId;

		if ( $this->type )
			$ok = FALSE;
			if ( class_exists( '\IPS\Helpers\Form\\' . ucfirst( $this->type ) ) )
				$ok = TRUE;
			else if ( class_exists( '\IPS\cms\Fields\\' . ucfirst( $this->type ) ) )
				$ok = TRUE;

			if ( !$ok )
				\IPS\Output::i()->output .= \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'global', 'core', 'global' )->message( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'cms_field_no_type_warning', NULL, array( 'sprintf' => array( $this->type ) ) ), 'warning', NULL, FALSE );

		$form->addTab( 'field_generaloptions' );
		$form->addHeader( 'pfield_settings' );

		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Translatable( 'field_title', NULL, TRUE, array( 'app' => 'core', 'key' => ( $this->id ? static::$langKey . '_' . $this->id : NULL ) ) ) );
		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Translatable( 'field_description', NULL, FALSE, array( 'app' => 'core', 'key' => ( $this->id ? static::$langKey . '_' . $this->id . '_desc' : NULL ) ) ) );

		$displayDefaults = array( 'field_display_listing_json_badge', 'field_display_listing_json_badge_right', 'field_display_listing_json_custom', 'field_display_display_json_badge', 'field_display_display_json_custom' );

		$options = array_merge( array(
            'Address'   => 'pf_type_Address',
            'Checkbox'  => 'pf_type_Checkbox',
            'Codemirror'=> 'pf_type_Codemirror',
            'Date'		=> 'pf_type_Date',
            'Editor'	=> 'pf_type_Editor',
            'Email'		=> 'pf_type_Email',
            'Member'    => 'pf_type_Member',
            'Number'	=> 'pf_type_Number',
            'Password'	=> 'pf_type_Password',
            'Radio'		=> 'pf_type_Radio',
            'Select'	=> 'pf_type_Select',
            'Tel'		=> 'pf_type_Tel',
            'Text'		=> 'pf_type_Text',
            'TextArea'	=> 'pf_type_TextArea',
            'Upload'	=> 'pf_type_Upload',
            'Url'		=> 'pf_type_Url',
            'YesNo'		=> 'pf_type_YesNo',
            'Youtube'   => 'pf_type_Youtube',
            'Spotify'   => 'pf_type_Spotify',
            'Soundcloud'=> 'pf_type_Soundcloud',
        ), static::$additionalFieldTypes );

		$toggles = array(
			'Address'	=> array_merge( array( 'field_show_map_listing', 'field_show_map_display', 'field_show_map_listing_dims', 'field_show_map_display_dims' ), $displayDefaults ),
			'Codemirror'=> array_merge( array( 'field_default_value', 'field_truncate' ), $displayDefaults ),
			'Checkbox'  => array_merge( array( 'field_default_value', 'field_truncate' ), $displayDefaults ),
			'Date'		=> array_merge( array( 'field_default_value', 'field_date_time_override' ), $displayDefaults ),
			'Editor'    => array_merge( array( 'field_max_length', 'field_default_value', 'field_truncate' ), $displayDefaults ),
			'Email'		=> array_merge( array( 'field_max_length', 'field_default_value' ), $displayDefaults ),
			'Member'    => array_merge( array( 'field_is_multiple' ), $displayDefaults ),
			'Number'    => array_merge( array( 'field_default_value' ), $displayDefaults ),
			'Password'  => array_merge( array( 'field_default_value' ), $displayDefaults ),
			'Radio'     => array_merge( array( 'field_extra', 'field_default_value', 'field_filter', 'field_truncate' ), $displayDefaults ),
			'Select'    => array_merge( array( 'field_extra', 'field_default_value', 'field_filter', 'field_is_multiple', 'field_truncate' ), $displayDefaults ),
			'Tel'		=> array_merge( array( 'field_default_value' ), $displayDefaults ),
			'Text'		=> array_merge( array( 'field_validator', 'field_format_opts_on', 'field_max_length', 'field_default_value', 'field_html', 'field_truncate' ), $displayDefaults ),
			'TextArea'	=> array_merge( array( 'field_validator', 'field_format_opts_on', 'field_max_length', 'field_default_value', 'field_html', 'field_truncate' ), $displayDefaults ),
			'Upload'    => array_merge( array( 'field_upload_is_image', 'field_upload_is_multiple' ), $displayDefaults ),
			'Url'		=> array_merge( array( 'field_default_value' ), $displayDefaults ),
			'YesNo'		=> array_merge( array( 'field_default_value' ), $displayDefaults ),
			'Youtube'   => array( 'media_params', 'media_display_listing_method', 'media_display_display_method' ),
			'Spotify'   => array( 'media_params', 'media_display_listing_method', 'media_display_display_method' ),
			'Soundcloud'=> array( 'media_params', 'media_display_listing_method', 'media_display_display_method' )

		foreach ( static::$additionalFieldTypes as $k => $v )
			$toggles[ $k ] = isset( static::$additionalFieldToggles[ $k ] ) ? static::$additionalFieldToggles[ $k ] : array( 'pf_not_null' );

		ksort( $options );

		if ( !$this->_new )
			\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->words['field_type_warning'] = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('custom_field_change');

			foreach ( $toggles as $k => $_toggles )
				if ( !$this->canKeepValueOnChange( $k ) )
					$toggles[ $k ][] = 'form_' . $this->id . '_field_type_warning';

		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Select( 'field_type', $this->id ? \ucfirst( $this->type ) : 'Text', TRUE, array(
				'options' => $options,
				'toggles' => $toggles
		) ) );

		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo( 'field_upload_is_multiple', $this->id ? $this->is_multiple : 0, FALSE, array( ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_upload_is_multiple' ) );

		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Radio( 'field_upload_is_image', $this->id ? ( ( isset( $this->extra['type'] ) and $this->extra['type'] == 'image' ) ? 'yes' : 'no' ) : 'yes', TRUE, array(
			'options'	=> array(
				'yes' => 'cms_upload_field_is_image',
				'no'  => 'cms_upload_field_is_not_image',

			'toggles' => array(
				'yes' => array( 'field_image_size' ),
				'no'  => array( 'field_allowed_extensions' )
		), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_upload_is_image' ) );

		$widthHeight = NULL;
		if ( isset( $this->extra['type'] ) and $this->extra['type'] === 'image' )
			$widthHeight = $this->extra['maxsize'];

		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\WidthHeight( 'field_image_size', $this->id ? $widthHeight : array( 0, 0 ), FALSE, array( 'resizableDiv' => FALSE, 'unlimited' => array( 0, 0 ) ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_image_size' ) );

		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'field_allowed_extensions', $this->id ? ( $this->allowed_extensions ?: NULL ) : NULL, FALSE, array(
			'autocomplete' => array( 'unique' => 'true' ),
			'nullLang'     => 'content_any_extensions'
		), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_allowed_extensions' ) );

		/* Date specific */
		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo( 'field_date_time_override', ( isset( $this->extra['timezone'] ) ? $this->extra['timezone'] : FALSE ), FALSE, array( 'togglesOn' => array( 'field_date_timezone' ) ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_date_time_override' ) );
		$timezones = array();
		foreach ( \DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers() as $tz )
			if ( $pos = mb_strpos( $tz, '/' ) )
				$timezones[ 'timezone__' . mb_substr( $tz, 0, $pos ) ][ $tz ] = 'timezone__' . $tz;
				$timezones[ $tz ] = 'timezone__' . $tz;
		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Select( 'field_date_timezone', ( isset( $this->extra['timezone'] ) ? $this->extra['timezone'] : \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->timezone ), FALSE, array( 'options' => $timezones ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_date_timezone' ) );

		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo( 'field_is_multiple', $this->id ? $this->is_multiple : 0, FALSE, array(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_is_multiple' ) );
		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\TextArea( 'field_default_value', $this->id ? $this->default_value : '', FALSE, array(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_default_value' ) );

		if ( ! $this->_new )
			$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo( 'field_default_update_existing', FALSE, FALSE, array(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_default_update_existing' ) );

		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Number( 'field_max_length', $this->id ? $this->max_length : NULL, FALSE, array( 'unlimited' => 0 ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_max_length' ) );
		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo( 'field_validator', $this->id ? intval( $this->validator ) : 0, FALSE, array(
			'togglesOn' =>array( 'field_validator_custom', 'field_validator_error' )
		), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_validator' ) );
		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'field_validator_custom', $this->id ? $this->validator_custom : NULL, FALSE, array( 'placeholder' => '/[A-Z0-9]+/i' ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_validator_custom' ) );
		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Translatable( 'field_validator_error', NULL, FALSE, array( 'app' => 'core', 'key' => ( $this->id ? static::$langKey . '_' . $this->id . '_validation_error' : NULL ) ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_validator_error' ) );
		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo( 'field_format_opts_on', $this->id ? $this->format_opts : 0, FALSE, array( 'togglesOn' => array('field_format_opts') ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_format_opts_on' ) );
		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Select( 'field_format_opts', $this->id ? $this->format_opts : 'none', FALSE, array(
				'options' => array(
						'strtolower' => 'content_format_strtolower',
						'strtoupper' => 'content_format_strtoupper',
						'ucfirst'    => 'content_format_ucfirst',
						'ucwords'    => 'content_format_ucwords',
						'punct'	     => 'content_format_punct',
						'numerical'	 => 'content_format_numerical',
						'bold'		 => 'content_format_bold',
						'italic'	 => 'content_format_italic'
				'multiple' => true
		), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_format_opts' ) );
		$extra = array();
		if ( $this->id AND $this->extra )
			foreach( $this->extra as $k => $v )
				$extra[] = array( 'key' => $k, 'value' => $v );
		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Stack( 'field_extra', $extra, FALSE, array( 'stackFieldType' => 'KeyValue'), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_extra' ) );

		/* Media specific stack */
		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Stack( 'media_params', $extra, FALSE, array( 'stackFieldType' => 'KeyValue'), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'media_params' ) );

		$form->addheader( 'pfield_options' );

		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo( 'field_filter', $this->id ? $this->filter : 0, FALSE, array(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_filter' ) );
		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo( 'field_is_searchable', $this->id ? $this->is_searchable : 0, FALSE, array(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_is_searchable' ) );

		if ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->database_id ) AND \IPS\cms\Databases::load( \IPS\Request::i()->database_id )->forum_record )
			$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\TextArea( 'field_topic_format', $this->id ? $this->topic_format : '', FALSE, array( 'placeholder' => "<strong>{title}:</strong> {value}" ) ) );

		if ( ! ( $this->id AND $this->id === \IPS\cms\Databases::load( static::$customDatabaseId )->field_title ) )
			$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo( 'field_required', $this->id ? $this->required : TRUE, FALSE ) );

		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo( 'field_html'	, $this->id ? $this->html : FALSE, FALSE, array(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_html' ) );

		$form->addTab( 'field_displayoptions' );

		$isTitleOrContent = FALSE;
		if ( $this->id AND ( $this->id == \IPS\cms\Databases::load( static::$customDatabaseId )->field_title OR $this->id == \IPS\cms\Databases::load( static::$customDatabaseId )->field_content ) )
			$isTitleOrContent = TRUE;

			if ( $this->id == \IPS\cms\Databases::load( static::$customDatabaseId )->field_title )
				$form->addMessage( 'field_display_opts_title', 'ipsMessage ipsMessage_info' );

			if ( $this->id == \IPS\cms\Databases::load( static::$customDatabaseId )->field_content )
				$form->addMessage( 'field_display_opts_content', 'ipsMessage ipsMessage_info' );

		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'field_key', $this->id ? $this->key : FALSE, FALSE, array(), function( $val )
				if ( ! $val )
					return true;

				$class = '\IPS\cms\Fields' . \IPS\Request::i()->database_id;

					$testField = $class::load( $val, 'field_key');
				catch( \OutOfRangeException $ex )
					/* Doesn't exist? Good! */
					return true;

				/* It's taken... */
				if ( \IPS\Request::i()->id == $testField->id )
					/* But it's this one so that's ok */
					return true;

				/* and if we're here, it's not... */
				throw new \InvalidArgumentException('cms_field_key_not_unique');
			catch ( \OutOfRangeException $e )
				/* Slug is OK as load failed */
				return true;

			return true;
		} ) );

		$displayToggles = array( 'custom' => array( 'field_display_display_json_custom' ) );
		$listingToggles = array( 'custom' => array( 'field_display_listing_json_custom' ) );
		$displayJson    = $this->display_json;
		$displayDefault = isset( $displayJson['display']['method'] ) ? $displayJson['display']['method'] : '1';
		$listingDefault = isset( $displayJson['listing']['method'] ) ? $displayJson['listing']['method'] : '1';
		$mediaDisplayDefault = isset( $displayJson['display']['method'] ) ? $displayJson['display']['method'] : 'player';
		$mediaListingDefault = isset( $displayJson['listing']['method'] ) ? $displayJson['listing']['method'] : 'url';
		$mapDisplay = isset( $displayJson['display']['map'] ) ? $displayJson['display']['map'] : TRUE;
		$mapListing = isset( $displayJson['listing']['map'] ) ? $displayJson['listing']['map'] : FALSE;
		$mapDisplayDims = isset( $displayJson['display']['mapDims'] ) ? $displayJson['display']['mapDims'] : array( 200, 200 );
		$mapListingDims = isset( $displayJson['listing']['mapDims'] ) ? $displayJson['listing']['mapDims'] : array( 100, 100 );
		$listingOptions = $displayOptions = array();

		foreach( range( 1, 7 ) as $id )
			$displayOptions[ $id ] = $listingOptions[ $id ] = \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'records', 'cms', 'global' )->fieldBadge( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('cms_badge_label'), \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('cms_badge_value'), 'ipsBadge_style' . $id );
			$listingToggles[ $id ] = array( 'field_display_listing_json_badge_right' );

		$displayOptions['custom'] = $listingOptions['custom'] = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('field_display_custom');
		$displayOptions['none'] = $listingOptions['none']     = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('field_display_none');

		if ( ! $isTitleOrContent )
			$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo( 'field_display_listing', $this->id ? $this->display_listing : 1, FALSE, array( 'togglesOn' => array('field_truncate', 'field_display_listing_json_badge') ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_display_listing' ) );

		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Radio( 'field_display_listing_json_badge', $listingDefault, FALSE, array( 'options' => $listingOptions, 'toggles' => $listingToggles ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_display_listing_json_badge' ) );

		if ( ! $isTitleOrContent )
			$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo( 'field_display_listing_json_badge_right', ( isset( $displayJson['listing']['right'] ) ? $displayJson['listing']['right'] : 0 ), FALSE, array(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_display_listing_json_badge_right' ) );

		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo( 'field_show_map_listing', $mapListing, FALSE, array(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_show_map_listing' ) );
		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\WidthHeight( 'field_show_map_listing_dims', $mapListingDims, FALSE, array( 'resizableDiv' => FALSE ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_show_map_listing_dims' ) );

		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Codemirror( 'field_display_listing_json_custom', ( isset( $displayJson['listing']['html'] ) ? $displayJson['listing']['html'] : NULL ), FALSE, array( 'placeholder' => '{label}: {value}' ), function( $val )
            /* Test */
	            \IPS\Theme::checkTemplateSyntax( $val );
            catch( \LogicException $e )
	            throw new \LogicException('cms_field_error_bad_syntax');

        }, NULL, NULL, 'field_display_listing_json_custom' ) );

		/* Media listing */
		$mediaListingOptions = array( 'player' => 'media_display_as_player', 'url' => 'media_display_as_url' );
		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Radio( 'media_display_listing_method', $mediaListingDefault, FALSE, array( 'options' => $mediaListingOptions ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'media_display_listing_method' ) );

		if ( ! $isTitleOrContent )
			$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Number( 'field_truncate', $this->id ? $this->truncate : NULL, FALSE, array( 'unlimited' => 0 ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_truncate' ) );


		if ( ! $isTitleOrContent )
			$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo( 'field_display_display', $this->id ? $this->display_display : 1, FALSE, array( 'togglesOn' => array( 'field_display_display_json_badge' ) ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_display_display' ) );

		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Radio( 'field_display_display_json_badge', $displayDefault, FALSE, array( 'options' => $displayOptions, 'toggles' => $displayToggles ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_display_display_json_badge' ) );

		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo( 'field_show_map_display', $mapDisplay, FALSE, array(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_show_map_display' ) );
		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\WidthHeight( 'field_show_map_display_dims', $mapDisplayDims, FALSE, array( 'resizableDiv' => FALSE ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_show_map_display_dims' ) );

		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Codemirror( 'field_display_display_json_custom', ( isset( $displayJson['display']['html'] ) ? $displayJson['display']['html'] : NULL ), FALSE, array( 'placeholder' => '{label}: {value}' ), function( $val )
            /* Test */
	            \IPS\Theme::checkTemplateSyntax( $val );
            catch( \LogicException $e )
	            throw new \LogicException('cms_field_error_bad_syntax');

        }, NULL, NULL, 'field_display_display_json_custom' ) );

		/* Media display */
		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Radio( 'media_display_display_method', $mediaDisplayDefault, FALSE, array( 'options' => $mediaListingOptions ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'media_display_display_method' ) );


		$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo( 'field_display_commentform', $this->id ? $this->display_commentform : 0, FALSE, array(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'field_display_commentform' ) );
		\IPS\Output::i()->globalControllers[]  = 'cms.admin.fields.form';
		\IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles  = array_merge( \IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles, \IPS\Output::i()->js( 'admin_fields.js', 'cms' ) );

		\IPS\Output::i()->title  = ( $this->id ) ? \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('cms_edit_field', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( $this->_title ) ) ) : \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('cms_add_field');

	 * @brief	Disable the copy button - useful when the forms are very distinctly different
	public $noCopyButton	= TRUE;

	 * @brief	Update the default value in records
	protected $_updateDefaultValue = FALSE;

	 * @brief	Stores the old default value after a change
	protected $_oldDefaultValue = NULL;

	 * [Node] Format form values from add/edit form for save
	 * @param	array	$values	Values from the form
	 * @return	array
	public function formatFormValues( $values )
		static::$contentDatabaseTable = 'cms_custom_database_' . static::$customDatabaseId;

		/* Work out the column definition */
		if( isset( $values['field_type'] ) )
			$columnDefinition = array( 'name' => "field_{$this->id}" );
			switch ( $values['field_type'] )
				case 'CheckboxSet':
				case 'Member':
				case 'Radio':
				case 'Select':
					/* Reformat keyValue pairs */
					if ( isset( $values['field_extra'] ) )
						$extra = array();
						foreach( $values['field_extra'] as $row )
							if ( isset( $row['key'] ) )
								$extra[ $row['key'] ] = $row['value'];

						if ( count( $extra ) )
							$values['field_extra'] = $extra;
					if ( $values['field_type'] === 'Select' )
						$columnDefinition['type'] = 'TEXT';
						$columnDefinition['type']	= 'VARCHAR';
						$columnDefinition['length']	= 255;
				case 'Youtube':
				case 'Spotify':
				case 'Soundcloud':
					/* Reformat keyValue pairs */
					if ( isset( $values['media_params'] ) )
						$extra = array();
						foreach( $values['media_params'] as $row )
							if ( isset( $row['key'] ) )
								$extra[ $row['key'] ] = $row['value'];

						if ( count( $extra ) )
							$values['field_extra'] = $extra;
					$columnDefinition['type'] = 'TEXT';
				case 'Date':
				case 'Number':
				case 'YesNo':
					$columnDefinition['type'] = 'INT';
					$columnDefinition['length'] = 10;
				case 'Address':
				case 'Codemirror':
				case 'Editor':
				case 'TextArea':
				case 'Upload':
					$columnDefinition['type'] = 'MEDIUMTEXT';
				case 'Email':
				case 'Password':
				case 'Tel':
				case 'Text':
				case 'Url':
				case 'Checkbox':
					$columnDefinition['type'] = 'VARCHAR';
					$columnDefinition['length'] = 255;
					$columnDefinition['type'] = 'TEXT';
			if ( ! empty( $values['field_max_length'] ) AND empty( $columnDefinition['length'] ) )
				$columnDefinition['length'] = $values['field_max_length'];
			else if ( empty( $columnDefinition['length'] ) )
				$columnDefinition['length'] = NULL;

		if ( isset( $values['media_params'] ) )
			unset( $values['media_params'] );

		/* Add/Update the content table */
		if ( !$this->id )
			$this->database_id = static::$customDatabaseId;
			$values['database_id']	= $this->database_id;
			$columnDefinition['name'] = "field_{$this->id}";
			if ( isset( static::$contentDatabaseTable ) )
				\IPS\Db::i()->addColumn( static::$contentDatabaseTable, $columnDefinition );

				if ( $values['field_type'] != 'Upload' )
					if ( $columnDefinition['type'] == 'TEXT' )
						\IPS\Db::i()->addIndex( static::$contentDatabaseTable, array( 'type' => 'fulltext', 'name' => "field_{$this->id}", 'columns' => array( "field_{$this->id}" ) ) );
						\IPS\Db::i()->addIndex( static::$contentDatabaseTable, array( 'type' => 'key', 'name' => "field_{$this->id}", 'columns' => array( "field_{$this->id}" ) ) );
		elseif( !$this->canKeepValueOnChange( $values['field_type'] ) )
				\IPS\Db::i()->dropIndex( static::$contentDatabaseTable, "field_{$this->id}" );
				\IPS\Db::i()->dropColumn( static::$contentDatabaseTable, "field_{$this->id}" );
			catch ( \IPS\Db\Exception $e )


			\IPS\Db::i()->addColumn( static::$contentDatabaseTable, $columnDefinition );

			if ( $values['field_type'] != 'Upload' )
				if ( $columnDefinition['type'] == 'TEXT' )
					\IPS\Db::i()->addIndex( static::$contentDatabaseTable, array( 'type' => 'fulltext', 'name' => "field_{$this->id}", 'columns' => array( "field_{$this->id}" ) ) );
					\IPS\Db::i()->addIndex( static::$contentDatabaseTable, array( 'type' => 'key', 'name' => "field_{$this->id}", 'columns' => array( "field_{$this->id}" ) ) );
		elseif ( isset( static::$contentDatabaseTable ) AND isset( $columnDefinition ) )
			\IPS\Db::i()->changeColumn( static::$contentDatabaseTable, "field_{$this->id}", $columnDefinition );
		/* Save the name and desctipn */
		if( isset( $values['field_title'] ) )
			\IPS\Lang::saveCustom( 'cms', static::$langKey . '_' . $this->id, $values['field_title'] );
		if ( isset( $values['field_description'] ) )
			\IPS\Lang::saveCustom( 'cms', static::$langKey . '_' . $this->id . '_desc', $values['field_description'] );
			unset( $values['field_description'] );
		if ( isset( $values['field_validator_error'] ) )
			\IPS\Lang::saveCustom( 'cms', static::$langKey . '_' . $this->id . '_validation_error', $values['field_validator_error'] );
			unset( $values['field_validator_error'] );
		if ( isset( $values['field_format_opts_on'] ) AND ! $values['field_format_opts_on'] )
			$values['field_format_opts'] = NULL;

		if( isset( $values['field_format_opts_on'] ) )
			unset( $values['field_format_opts_on'] );

		if ( isset( $values['field_key'] ) AND ! $values['field_key'] )
			if ( is_array( $values['field_title'] ) )
				$values['field_key'] = \IPS\Http\Url::seoTitle( $values['field_title'][ key( $values['field_title'] ) ] );
				$values['field_key'] = \IPS\Http\Url::seoTitle( $values['field_title'] );

			/* Now test it */
			$class = '\IPS\cms\Fields' . \IPS\Request::i()->database_id;

				$testField = $class::load( $this->key, 'field_key');

				/* It's taken... */
				if ( $this->id != $testField->id )
					$this->key .= '_' . uniqid();
			catch( \OutOfRangeException $ex )
				/* Doesn't exist? Good! */

		if( isset( $values['field_type'] ) )
			$displayJson = array( 'display' => array( 'method' => NULL ), 'listing' => array( 'method' => NULL ) );

			/* Listing */
			if ( in_array( $values['field_type'], static::$mediaFields ) )
				$displayJson['listing']['method'] = $values['media_display_listing_method'];
				$displayJson['display']['method'] = $values['media_display_display_method'];
				if ( $values['field_type'] === 'Address' )
					if ( isset( $values['field_show_map_listing'] ) )
						$displayJson['listing']['map'] = (boolean) $values['field_show_map_listing'];

					if ( isset( $values['field_show_map_listing_dims'] ) )
						$displayJson['listing']['mapDims'] = $values['field_show_map_listing_dims'];

					if ( isset( $values['field_show_map_display'] ) )
						$displayJson['display']['map'] = (boolean) $values['field_show_map_display'];

					if ( isset( $values['field_show_map_display_dims'] ) )
						$displayJson['display']['mapDims'] = $values['field_show_map_display_dims'];

				if ( isset( $values['field_display_listing_json_badge'] ) )
					if( isset( $values['field_display_listing_json_custom'] ) )
						$displayJson['listing']['html'] = $values['field_display_listing_json_custom'];
						unset( $values['field_display_listing_json_custom'] );
						$displayJson['listing']['html'] = NULL;

					if ( $values['field_display_listing_json_badge'] === 'custom' )
						$displayJson['listing']['method'] = 'custom';
						$displayJson['listing']['method'] = $values['field_display_listing_json_badge'];
						$displayJson['listing']['right']  = isset( $values['field_display_listing_json_badge_right'] ) ? $values['field_display_listing_json_badge_right'] : FALSE;

				/* Display */
				if ( isset( $values['field_display_display_json_badge'] ) )
					if( isset( $values['field_display_display_json_custom'] ) )
						$displayJson['display']['html'] = $values['field_display_display_json_custom'];
						unset( $values['field_display_display_json_custom'] );
						$displayJson['display']['html'] = NULL;

					if ( $values['field_display_display_json_badge'] === 'custom' )
						$displayJson['display']['method'] = 'custom';
						$displayJson['display']['method'] = $values['field_display_display_json_badge'];

			$values['display_json'] = json_encode( $displayJson );

		/* Special upload stuffs */
		if ( isset( $values['field_type'] ) AND $values['field_type'] === 'Upload' )
			if ( isset( $values['field_upload_is_image'] ) and $values['field_upload_is_image'] === 'yes')
				$values['extra'] = array( 'type' => 'image', 'maxsize' => $values['field_image_size'] );
				$values['extra'] = array( 'type' => 'any' );

			if ( isset( $values['field_upload_is_multiple'] ) and $values['field_upload_is_multiple'] )
				$values['field_is_multiple'] = 1;
				$values['field_is_multiple'] = 0;

		/* Special date stuff */
		if ( isset( $values['field_type'] ) AND $values['field_type'] === 'Date' )
			if ( isset( $values['field_date_time_override'] ) and $values['field_date_time_override'] )
				$values['extra'] = array( 'timezone' => $values['field_date_timezone'] );
				$values['extra'] = array();

		if ( ! $this->new AND isset( $values['field_default_update_existing'] ) AND $values['field_default_update_existing'] and $values['field_default_value'] !== $this->default_value )
			$this->_updateDefaultValue = TRUE;
			$this->_oldDefaultValue    = $this->default_value;

		foreach( array( 'field_upload_is_multiple', 'field_default_update_existing', 'field_date_time_override', 'field_date_timezone', 'field_upload_is_image', 'field_image_size', 'field_title', 'field_display_display_json_badge', 'field_display_display_json_custom', 'field_display_listing_json_badge', 'field_display_listing_json_custom', 'field_display_listing_json_badge_right', 'media_display_listing_method', 'media_display_display_method', 'field_show_map_listing', 'field_show_map_listing_dims', 'field_show_map_display', 'field_show_map_display_dims' ) as $field )
			if ( array_key_exists( $field, $values ) )
				unset( $values[ $field ] );

		return parent::formatFormValues( $values );

	 * [Node] Perform actions after saving the form
	 * @param	array	$values	Values from the form
	 * @return	void
	public function postSaveForm( $values )
		/* Ensure it has some permissions */

		if ( $this->_updateDefaultValue )
			static::$contentDatabaseTable = 'cms_custom_database_' . static::$customDatabaseId;

			$field = 'field_' . $this->id;
			\IPS\Db::i()->update( static::$contentDatabaseTable, array( $field => $this->default_value ), array( $field . '=?  OR ' . $field . ' IS NULL', $this->_oldDefaultValue ) );

	 * Does the change mean wiping the value?
	 * @param	string	$newType	The new type
	 * @return	array
	protected function canKeepValueOnChange( $newType )
		$custom = array( 'Youtube', 'Spotify', 'Soundcloud');

		if ( ! in_array( $this->type, $custom ) )
			return parent::canKeepValueOnChange( $newType );

		switch ( $this->type )
			case 'Youtube':
				return in_array( $newType, array( 'Youtube', 'Text', 'TextArea' ) );

			case 'Spotify':
				return in_array( $newType, array( 'Spotify', 'Text', 'TextArea' ) );

			case 'Soundcloud':
				return in_array( $newType, array( 'Soundcloud', 'Text', 'TextArea' ) );

		return FALSE;

	 * [ActiveRecord] Save Record
	 * @return	void
	public function save()
		static::$contentDatabaseTable = 'cms_custom_database_' . static::$customDatabaseId;
		static::$cache = array();

		$functionName = $this->fieldTemplateName('listing');

		if ( isset( \IPS\Data\Store::i()->$functionName ) )
			unset( \IPS\Data\Store::i()->$functionName );

		$functionName = $this->fieldTemplateName('display');

		if ( isset( \IPS\Data\Store::i()->$functionName ) )
			unset( \IPS\Data\Store::i()->$functionName );

		if ( $this->_new )
	 * [ActiveRecord] Delete Record
	 * @param	bool	$skipDrop	Skip dropping the column/index, useful when we are deleting the entire table
	 * @return	void
	public function delete( $skipDrop=FALSE )
		static::$contentDatabaseTable = 'cms_custom_database_' . static::$customDatabaseId;
		static::$cache = array();


		if( $skipDrop === TRUE )

			\IPS\Db::i()->dropIndex( static::$contentDatabaseTable, "field_{$this->id}" );
		catch ( \IPS\Db\Exception $e ) {}

			\IPS\Db::i()->dropColumn( static::$contentDatabaseTable, "field_{$this->id}" );
		catch( \IPS\Db\Exception $e ) { }

	 * Build Form Helper
	 * @param	mixed	$value	                    The value
	 * @param	callback	$customValidationCode	Custom validation code
	 * @param   \IPS\cms\Records|NULL   $record     The record
	 * @param	int				        $flags		Bit flags
	 * @return \IPS\Helpers\Form\FormAbstract
	public function buildHelper( $value=NULL, $customValidationCode=NULL, \IPS\cms\Records $record = NULL, $flags=0 )
		if ( class_exists( '\IPS\cms\Fields\\' . ucfirst( $this->type ) ) )
			/* Is special! */
			$class = '\IPS\cms\Fields\\' . ucfirst( $this->type );
		else if ( class_exists( '\IPS\Helpers\Form\\' . ucfirst( $this->type ) ) )
			$class = '\IPS\Helpers\Form\\' . ucfirst( $this->type );

			if ( !is_array( $this->extra ) )
				if ( method_exists( $class, 'formatOptions' ) )
					$options = $class->formatOptions( json_decode( $this->extra ) );
					$options = json_decode( $this->extra );
			/* Fail safe */
			$this->type = 'Text';
			$class = '\IPS\Helpers\Form\Text';

		$options    = array();
		switch ( ucfirst( $this->type ) )
			case 'Editor':
				$options['app']         = 'cms';
				$options['key']         = 'Records';
				$options['autoSaveKey'] = 'RecordField_' . ( $record === NULL ? 'new' : $record->_id ) . '_' . $this->id;
				$options['attachIds']   = ( $record === NULL ) ? NULL : array( $record->_id, $this->id,  static::$customDatabaseId );
			case 'Email':
			case 'Password':
			case 'Tel':
			case 'Text':
			case 'TextArea':
			case 'Url':
				$options['maxLength']	= $this->max_length ?: NULL;
				$options['regex']		= $this->input_format ?: NULL;
			case 'Upload':
				$options['storageExtension'] = static::$uploadStorageExtension;

				if ( isset( $this->extra['type'] ) )
					if ( $this->extra['type'] === 'image' )
						$options['image'] = array( 'maxWidth' => $this->extra['maxsize'][0], 'maxHeight' => $this->extra['maxsize'][1] );
						$options['allowedFileTypes'] = $this->allowed_extensions ?: NULL;
					$options['allowedFileTypes'] = $this->allowed_extensions ?: NULL;

				if ( $this->is_multiple )
					$options['multiple'] = TRUE;

				if( $value )
					if ( mb_strstr( $value, ',' ) )
						$files = explode( ',', $value );

						$return = array();
						foreach( $files as $file )
								$return[] = \IPS\File::get( static::$uploadStorageExtension, $file );
							catch ( \OutOfRangeException $e ) { }

						$value = $return;
							$value = array( \IPS\File::get( static::$uploadStorageExtension, $value ) );
						catch ( \OutOfRangeException $e )
							$value = NULL;
			case 'Select':
				$options['multiple'] = $this->is_multiple;
				if ( $flags & self::FIELD_DISPLAY_FILTERS or ( ! $this->default_value and ! $this->required ) )
					$options['noDefault'] = true;

				if ( $flags & self::FIELD_DISPLAY_COMMENTFORM )
					$options['noDefault'] = true;
					$this->required       = false;

				if ( $this->is_multiple and ! is_array( $value ) and mb_stristr( $value, ',' ) )
					$value = explode( ',', $value );

				$json = $this->extra;
				$options['options'] = ( $json ) ? $json : array();
			case 'Radio':
				$json = $this->extra;
				$options['options'] = ( $json ) ? $json : array();
				$options['multiple'] = FALSE;
			case 'Address':
				$value = \IPS\GeoLocation::buildFromJson( $value );
			case 'Member':
				if ( ! $value )
					$value = NULL;

				$options['multiple'] = $this->is_multiple ? NULL : 1;

				if ( is_string( $value ) )
					$value = array_map( function( $id )
						return \IPS\Member::load( $id );
					}, explode( ',', $value ) );
			case 'Date':
				if ( is_numeric( $value ) )
					$value = \IPS\DateTime::ts( $value );
				if ( isset( $this->extra['timezone'] ) and $this->extra['timezone'] )
					$options['timezone'] = new \DateTimeZone( $this->extra['timezone'] );
					if ( $value instanceof \IPS\DateTime )
						$value->setTimezone( $options['timezone'] );

		if ( $this->validator AND $this->validator_custom )
			switch( ucfirst( $this->type ) )
				case 'Text':
				case 'TextArea':
					$customValidationCode = 'IPS\cms\Fields' . static::$customDatabaseId . '::validateInput_' . $this->id;

		return new $class( 'content_field_' . $this->id, $value, $this->required, $options, $customValidationCode );


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