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Standardizing Database Structure UTF8mb4


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I noticed on this last core update (4.0.8) that the character set needs to be set to 'utf8mb4' for the 'Emojis' to be correctly displayed.

On investigating this I found:

Never use utf8 in MySQL — always use utf8mb4 instead. Updating your databases and code might take some time, but it’s definitely worth the effort. Why would you arbitrarily limit the set of symbols that can be used in your database? Why would you lose data every time a user enters an astral symbol as part of a comment or message or whatever it is you store in your database? There’s no reason not to strive for full Unicode support everywhere. Do the right thing, and use utf8mb4.

I noticed that my database Type is set to "utf8_unicode_ci".

I have no idea about database structure, if someone knows. Should this be something that needs to be corrected so it doesn't cause problems in the future?

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