Invision Community 4: SEO, prepare for v5 and dormant account notifications Matt November 11, 2024Nov 11
Posted March 9, 201510 yr I've installed a new IPS 4 site, created a couple of new forums to try them out, even created a custom theme. I figured I'd leave overall first impressions since I think they are helpful as to what feels intuitive and not intuitive -- what it would be like to a new user (even though I'm not new at all.) Overall, there is a great deal to be impressed about IPS 4 which should not be taken away from constructive comments, all which are just IMHO.Control Panel - Clean but Inefficient. I expect the submenu to scroll beyond the readable area with Calendar and Blogs being pushed off the screen. If the Admin is going to be vertical, I'd prefer it appear the same way the old vBulletin control panel appeared "general category" and then subcategories that provide a drilldown. I'd like to see Community and then a bullet list underneath of every module I may have and then hovering or clicking would give me the options on the right panel. Don't care about glossy icons if it's a hassle to navigate.Text Editor - LOVE this idea. Great job. But it's missing a number of buttons, such as "edit source" of the box so you can see the tags and edit accordingly. I've never seen this not offered, especially to correct formatting errors. One button conspicuously absent here - how to you insert an image?Blogs - Without categories and the ability for the admin to organize and moderate, this module could be renamed "Spam". How does one easily browse available categories to find blogs of interest? And then there is moderation of blog posts (or it will be an SEO spam dumping ground.) I must be missing this in permissions. I'm not sure why every module isn't designed in symmetry in design so each inherits the exact same structure and permissions and features, e.g. every module has the same category option, permissions require moderation before publishing, each content area has a "point value" i set for each item contributed by a user, etc.UI Quirks? No Button for Create New Question? Sorry, this is a UI fail. Looks even more bizarre when you have a button to reply next to it and when there is no color differentiation to even indicate that the text is a hyperlink. "Start New Topic" is a button in the browse topics area in the forum and it becomes just plain old inconspicuous text next to a very conspicuous large "Answer This Question" button when in a question. People may differ on this but it's just so inconsistent with the UI that I would consider this a fail in many ways.There is a need for some refinement QA. For example, if you toggle fields on/off in Pages, you'll get permissions settings with no title as to the permissions you're using, e.g. enable/disable "Allow Comments."Navigation disappears and there is no cancel button in many places where you edit things. I was trying to edit a theme's permissionsand I was launched into a screen with settings. There is only a "save" button and no cancel. There is also no navigation either (and sometimes no title for what it is, as above). I had to back out by using the back button or choosing from the main admin menu.Post recounts are not updated quickly. I'm guessing this is a cron job or caching setting but nothing seems to work dynamically either. For example, I posted a forum post and an article. Neither appear in my profile area. I answered questions in the forum - still shows nothing. This shouldn't happen. Bug? I'm ultra popular. I posted, viewed the forum and I already have 3 views. Last week I saw some articles with -1 view.Themes/Templates Theme Creator - I really like the theme generator. But it is confusing and took several trial and error attempts to figure out what is going on, which setting affects which item, and how one is applied over the other. For example, I couldn't find any easy way to change the "selected" background color of the main menu tab and the color of the font easily - or at all for that matter. I will rarely be using this so won't comment much. I find these types of setting changers very difficult to manage and easier handled in CSS, but that's personal.Theme Selection / UI - I couldn't figure out how to disable a theme or get my main theme to appear to all members by default. "Set as members' theme" didn't work for me and there is no way I can see to just disable the theme from appearing. Then it took me a while to figure it out. I don't know what that button does because you have to go into a theme and then set the default in the panel. Then you've got to set the default in the other theme's General control area. Then you need to go back to the default and select and then deselect the users who can use the theme (as if half will know how to deselect by using an shift click to deselect) so that nothing is selected and then save. I don't know why simple immediate items aren't in the drop downs, e.g. "make default, on/off" etc. As an admin, I want to be able to turn off a theme and make it unavailable immediately and see that it's disabled too.Pages - is much cleaner (less features) and easier to use. But out of the box, there desperately needs some type of default styling so that the front page doesn't look exactly like an old forum. I would highly suggest some type of demo content and template that looks usable right out of the box. I would have no idea how to simply create a widget and stick it in the fictional sidebar. There is no way to have templates appear like they were in IP.C, at least by default, where you can have any of a variation of layouts, e.g. top article featured, below it a 2x1 grid as many times as you want below it, etc. Maybe I'm missing the obvious.Menu/Navigation - Why is "menu" in the Pages area? I thought that the menu would be controlled in Customization or, at the very least, in the System Settings.Forums - Very useful in many ways, a bit challenged by how to use it with existing discussion forums and the entire forum.Best AnswerOne Forum now Two? I have a forum called "SEO." It's for both discussions about something and can have a best answer. As of now it's all or nothing. So I would need to replicate my forums to have one with QA another without them. How do existing IPB forums with Best Answer convert? The real problem I have is below.Likes vs Up/Down vs Best Answer. I don't like systems that mix up several concepts to make things difficult to understand consistently across a site. So is a Like the equivalent of an Up? Do Up/Down votes increase or decrease my overall liked posts which may appear even in other forums? Are the points only for the purpose of ranking answers in a particular topic? And what are Best Answers worth, 5 Likes? I would much rather have just had the option to Like and Best Answer posts, end of story. EDIT -- I just found the settings for "no down votes" but it's tied up in the general "Forums Settings" titled "Questions" and not specific to an area that is only for the QA forums. This is very confusing and disorganized, IMHO.So... no, upvoting an answer in a Best Answer does NOT give someone any value whatsoever, except in that Topic. IMHO, this is useless. The whole point of Up/Down is to replace likes. An Up vote IS a like. To have it not count at all? And who is going to Up vote AND Like a post? Not happening. I see this as a problem.Bug? A user asked a question. I answered it. Why can't the person who asked the question select the best answer by default? I guess this is a permissions setting and easily changed but not optimal for a default install. I checked and the "user can select Best Answer" is checked in green so this must be some type of bug.There should be two buttons - Answer this question, Ask a new question. Having no button to ask a new question is odd.Content Count - OK, so this system uses content count. Why isn't this setting the same uniform setting throughout the site or my option to say how much "value" I want to attribute? "If disabled, the user's total number of content items will not increase when a user posts in this forum. You may want to disable this for forums for posting test messages, etc." So in other words I can have posts in this forum not count as "content" but there is nothing I can do to prevent the same every time a member posts his daily morning run on the community calendar or images of his pet rocks in the gallery.DiscussionPrefixes - Is there a reason why users are able to choose any prefix they want if they add a bunch of tags? To me, this completely disrupts the whole purpose of forum prefixes, which is predefined labels for each topic in a forum. So if I have an SEO forum, as an admin I create predefined prefixes for Google, Bing, Yahoo and Irrelevant. That is order. I can require a prefix. The last thing I'd want is for chaos like I see now but I don't see any way to create prefixes for the tasks I've done for years. Perhaps I'm missing this in the settings.Best Answer Plugin - So... I wonder if someone is going to create a Best Answer plugin that will wedge it into the general discussion area where one can use it when needed and make things work like it did before. Perhaps add ability for multiple best answers and, most importantly, a consistent awards system that keeps things simple, understandable and consistent.Calendar - One of the better modules. Fantastic idea to include Location. Thank you. RSVP - very cool. This marks for the beginning of a great module. But if you're counting this as "content created" then every self-promoter will be posting and getting website cred for doing so. Not cool. In addition, search is totally useless. Can't easily find all events in Los Angeles, New York nor by upcoming dates, e.g. between June 1 and June 6 while I am there. Instead, you have it searching by when the event was posted? Gallery - Just uploaded a few items. It's very basic. If there is a copyright field, why isn't that autofilled in as an option for the user? After all, wouldn't every site insist in its terms of use that the content uploaded is owned by the user? Not sure why there is a "credits" field as a requirement either. This is all clutter that should be at the option of the Admin to include, not required to be shown in addition to any other custom fields.Search - Could be one of the greatest, powerful parts of IPS 4. Right now it is as barebones as can be. Please focus on making search quality and advanced search useful, e.g. searching member profile fields, Calendar fields that are actually relevant, etc.Commerce - Didn't test.Plug Ins - There is a "Top Contributors" which is apparently by "Reputation" - whatever that is supposed to mean. On most sites this means "Top Posters" meaning, top people who contributed content. I don't see any plugin like this which is, IMHO, the most important plugin of all. Most users won't earn "Reputation" for a while. Incentive to post often is important. I'd also think it should be easy and a no brainer to have top contributors by each modules, e.g. images, blog posts, forum posts, articles, etc.Reputation/Point System - Confusing and no controls for the admin. For now, I guess the system will suffice but I'm not sure of it's relevance and subject to change drastically once a more appropriate gauge can be used. Reputation applies more to "best answers" not whether some dumb cat meme was liked 250 times. That's why you have a Like count. There is no way for an admin to currently gauge important metrics on the site and display them to the community as they wish. A reputation system gauges the quality of the user's posts -- this user's answers are reliable. A "post count" shows the most active posters in each area and tallies quantity, person who posts the most in a forum, provides the most images, uploads the most files for downloading. A generic "Point" system tallies up the quality and quantity of user activity, e.g. value of each piece of content posted + Likes + Best Answers = "Value". These are quick initial thoughts for this morning after a short review. My very short list of priority concerns are (a) the inconsistency of features and permissions across the suite; (b) the inability to place a value (or not) on all content in the Suite; (c) Pages isn't presentable as is and should have a default usable template; (d) Standard forums work but I'm unsure about the Best Answer option; (e) Menu and widgets is not straightforward. The stats module is very cool. Kudos on some great inclusions.
March 9, 201510 yr Author Bug - I just changed the topic title of this thread to more accurately reflect the extensive nature of this analysis, despite just an hour's look. OLD URL:topic/408407-first-impressions-first-hour/NEW URL: topic/408407-first-impressions-ips-4-suite-extensive/Good -- the URL automatically changed from the old title to the new title. The old thread was redirected to the new thread because IPS probably uses the topic number (408407) to identify the thread, independent of the actual topic title.Bad - The response code is still 200. This means that search engines are getting the wrong message about your content titles. This should probably be 301 redirected since, technically, the entire URL is changed. Another Bug - I cannot remove the URL from "Old URL". If I choose the "remove URL" button after clicking the Link button, it doesn't remove the URL. Deleting the URL and clicking close or insert does not remove the URL. Can IPS just include a "view source" button in the editor like most everywhere I know? It would be a failsafe.
March 9, 201510 yr This sends a 303 See Other redirect when sending you to the new location (a 200 header isn't a redirect as I'm sure you're aware). Is that not what you are seeing? I'm confused by your last post. The final destination is a 200 response of course.
March 9, 201510 yr Author This is what I see and many people feel it's a very reliable tool: Connect to on port 80 ... ok GET /topic/408407-first-impressions-first-hour/ HTTP/1.1[CRLF] Host:[CRLF] Connection: close[CRLF] User-Agent: Web-sniffer/1.1.0 (+[CRLF] Accept-Encoding: gzip[CRLF] Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,UTF-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7[CRLF] Cache-Control: no-cache[CRLF] Accept-Language: de,en;q=0.7,en-us;q=0.3[CRLF] Referer:[CRLF] [CRLF] HTTP Response Header Name Value Delim Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html Connection: close Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close Content-Length: 6263 X-Iinfo: 9-187539167-0 0NNY RT(1425920717692 0) q(0 -1 -1 0) r(0 -1) B10(4,314,0) U5 Set-Cookie: visid_incap_321307=GH5wrQylReawEXahcUfAJM3S/VQAAAAAQUIPAAAAAAAp16c2TBT4tpEndkUaHbLT; expires=Tue, 07 Mar 2017 19:52:55 GMT; path=/; Set-Cookie: incap_ses_260_321307=2BbLbAQPAASytsUhJLWbA83S/VQAAAAAoS/l+HlCCue509EbFebiMQ==; path=/;
March 9, 201510 yr The tool you are using does not appear to be reporting the redirect. I am seeing the same behavior Brandon described. initial request is redirected with a 303 (see other) response code.
March 9, 201510 yr Author Commerce - NexusWOW. Clearly a great addition that is finally usable. Kudos. There are many things I really like about Commerce, including the ability to give discounts for members, coupons, have all sorts of flexibility relating products to each other for upsells, much easier to create products, see what you're selling, a support request area... great stuff!!! And files can be sold!!! Yeah!!!! I have a choice of selling:Advertising space on the site -- that's great!!! The real problem with this is that I probably wouldn't be using this as a solution for a dedicated Ad server because it is far too limited. For example, I can't geotarget ads (only show when an IP address is in California) nor can I set specific conditions to use one or the other to manage inventory easily, making sure I don't oversell, etc. It will not replace an ad server because it doesn't allow integration with other products to set conditionals on maximizing your ad placement. I don't see any sitewide specific settings to set your conditions for ads, creating zones, etc. This is a good basic solution. I can appreciate just offering it, OK.Webhosting -- ????? Why even bother? There is something called WHMCS that will not be replaced for this software, not now and not for a long while. Does this have to do with IPS selling hosting services and this would serve a double purpose? I can't help but wonder.Physical product. OK. Just a block, add custom fields, sell.Files.... hmmmm.... I have no idea why this isn't simple. You've got to figure out that you need to go into the Files settings and set it up there, create a group elsewhere.... it's convoluted. I assume that software files are created as a "physical product" even though they are digital products and handles separately with unique management of each. But hey, at least it's here.I either totally whiffed on this or it's a head slapper -- no way to sell membership plans that automatically upgrades your members to another user group? How about a group that gives access to a "website secrets" area in your articles section or to a private forum area and expires after 1 month? How about some type of recurring payment for services? I have to wonder whether the inclusion of webhosting and not selling memberships seems to revolve around what is best for IPS but not what is best for the customers. I have to believe that this is high on the agenda even though I'm shocked you cannot do this now.Downloads - FilesI like it. It's quite flexible, good enough for most purposes and being able to sell files is good - quite acceptable on the surface.
March 9, 201510 yr I really like your review. Thank you for all of your hard work here. I hope IPB leadership reads over this carefully and at least considers your input.Thanks again!Will you be able to review commerce as well?
March 9, 201510 yr Author On 3/9/2015 at 6:02 PM, superj707 said: I really like your review. Thank you for all of your hard work here. I hope IPB leadership reads over this carefully and at least considers your input.Thanks again! Will you be able to review commerce as well? ​I just did!!! Effort was clearly made into making this module better. I need to actually use it more than set up products, etc. like I did. But the noticeable omission, IMHO, is the inability to sell memberships on a community site that automatically upgrade a user and assign them to a group and provide them access to private content/areas. If you do this, all of it seems to require manual management... maybe I missed it, IPS can confirm or deny. The inclusion of Webhosting.. lol. Let's call that one an interesting extra. Will provide more details when I have it in place and invite users to use the site I've set up... and buy stuff you don't need, lol.
March 9, 201510 yr Management On 3/9/2015 at 6:09 PM, esquire said: ​I just did!!! Effort was clearly made into making this module better. I need to actually use it more than set up products, etc. like I did. But the noticeable omission, IMHO, is the inability to sell memberships on a community site that automatically upgrade a user and assign them to a group and provide them access to private content/areas. If you do this, all of it seems to require manual management... maybe I missed it, IPS can confirm or deny. The inclusion of Webhosting.. lol. Let's call that one an interesting extra. Will provide more details when I have it in place and invite users to use the site I've set up... and buy stuff you don't need, lol. ​
March 9, 201510 yr On 3/9/2015 at 6:09 PM, esquire said: ​I just did!!! Effort was clearly made into making this module better. I need to actually use it more than set up products, etc. like I did. But the noticeable omission, IMHO, is the inability to sell memberships on a community site that automatically upgrade a user and assign them to a group and provide them access to private content/areas. If you do this, all of it seems to require manual management... maybe I missed it, IPS can confirm or deny. The inclusion of Webhosting.. lol. Let's call that one an interesting extra. Will provide more details when I have it in place and invite users to use the site I've set up... and buy stuff you don't need, lol. ​I sell memberships that allow users "post" access to specific forums. All users can read but only paying members can post content. You are telling me this won't work any longer? What about selling banner ad space? Will this still work?
March 9, 201510 yr Management On 3/9/2015 at 6:13 PM, superj707 said: ​I sell memberships that allow users "post" access to specific forums. All users can read but only paying members can post content. You are telling me this won't work any longer? What about selling banner ad space? Will this still work? ​
March 9, 201510 yr Author On 3/9/2015 at 6:13 PM, Charles said: ​ ​Awesome!!! I will say this much -- Nexus will still confuse the bejesus out of some people. The ability to do the most obvious things will require backing into them such as this. In essence, you need to create a "Memberships" product group and then sell memberships that way. For a tech savvy person, you'll realize that "physical products" is a way of saying "anything but advertising on site and webhosting." One thing Charles -- I don't see a way to "expire" access to product. This would give access to a user to membership group "Premium User" for a period of 1 month (recurring payments) or 1 year (same) with it expiring and demoting the user upon expiration. As such, it makes selling memberships impractical unless they are permanent at this point. I think files may have a time expiry associated with it but not with just a plain product. Did I miss this?
March 9, 201510 yr Management On 3/9/2015 at 6:23 PM, esquire said: ​Awesome!!! I will say this much -- Nexus will still confuse the bejesus out of some people. The ability to do the most obvious things will require backing into them such as this. In essence, you need to create a "Memberships" product group and then sell memberships that way. For a tech savvy person, you'll realize that "physical products" is a way of saying "anything but advertising on site and webhosting." One thing Charles -- I don't see a way to "expire" access to product. This would give access to a user to membership group "Premium User" for a period of 1 month (recurring payments) or 1 year (same) with it expiring and demoting the user upon expiration. As such, it makes selling memberships impractical unless they are permanent at this point. I think files may have a time expiry associated with it but not with just a plain product. Did I miss this? ​There is no such term "physical products" anywhere in Commerce. I'm not sure what you are referring to there. The term we use is "Normal Product" with a line under it that says "Sell physical (items you ship to the customer) or other intangible (for example software licenses or premium membership plans) products." Can you please show me where you see "physical products" that you are referencing in your post? Also you do not need to create a whole product group for membership. You just create a product for sale. I think you may need to look around Commerce a bit more as it appears you have overlooked a lot. Any product can be expired on the Pricing tab. If you do not select the "Renews" box then you are telling the system it's a forever sort of purchase. If you select "Renews" it asks you in what way:
March 9, 201510 yr Management On 3/9/2015 at 5:06 PM, esquire said: This is what I see and many people feel it's a very reliable tool: Connect to on port 80 ... ok GET /topic/408407-first-impressions-first-hour/ HTTP/1.1[CRLF] Host:[CRLF] Connection: close[CRLF] User-Agent: Web-sniffer/1.1. (+[CRLF] Accept-Encoding: gzip[CRLF] Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,UTF-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7[CRLF] Cache-Control: no-cache[CRLF] Accept-Language: de,en;q=0.7,en-us;q=0.3[CRLF] Referer:[CRLF] [CRLF] HTTP Response Header Name Value Delim Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html Connection: close Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close Content-Length: 6263 X-Iinfo: 9-187539167- 0NNY RT(1425920717692 ) q( -1 -1 ) r( -1) B10(4,314,) U5 Set-Cookie: visid_incap_321307=GH5wrQylReawEXahcUfAJM3S/VQAAAAAQUIPAAAAAAAp16c2TBT4tpEndkUaHbLT; expires=Tue, 07 Mar 2017 19:52:55 GMT; path=/; Set-Cookie: incap_ses_260_321307=2BbLbAQPAASytsUhJLWbA83S/VQAAAAAoS/l+HlCCue509EbFebiMQ==; path=/; ​You're seeing this because we're using a new DoS mitigation system that consider web-sniffer a bot, because it kind of is. This would not happen on your own site or using a normal client on ours.
March 9, 201510 yr Author On 3/9/2015 at 5:57 PM, Andy Millne said: The tool you are using does not appear to be reporting the redirect. I am seeing the same behavior Brandon described. initial request is redirected with a 303 (see other) response code.​Not doubting this but I cannot find any tools that detect the 303. I also wonder about the effect of changing URLs and backlinks to an old URL, how they may be treated as opposed to a 301 permanent redirect. I would think it probably bears value to further investigate (a) why these tools aren't seeing the 303; and (b) how the 303 will be treated versus a 301.
March 9, 201510 yr Author On 3/9/2015 at 6:31 PM, Lindy said: ​You're seeing this because we're using a new DoS mitigation system that consider web-sniffer a bot, because it kind of is. This would not happen on your own site or using a normal client on ours. ​Thanks - I can confirm this is the case on my server. I'll look into what differing effect, if any, a 303 may have versus a 301.
March 9, 201510 yr Author On 3/9/2015 at 6:31 PM, Charles said: ​There is no such term "physical products" anywhere in Commerce. I'm not sure what you are referring to there. The term we use is "Normal Product" with a line under it that says "Sell physical (items you ship to the customer) or other intangible (for example software licenses or premium membership plans) products." Can you please show me where you see "physical products" that you are referencing in your post?Any product can be expired on the Pricing tab. If you do not select the "Renews" box then you are telling the system it's a forever sort of purchase. If you select "Renews" it asks you in what way:​Ah -- this is a very good explanation. If I can suggest that this procedure be documented into the manual so that setup can be followed easily to create memberships.My apologies. "Normal Product" is what it is and as I described "the catchall" if it's not two of the specialized items. Given that Memberships and Files are probably going to be the most popular items you'd sell in addition to ads IMHO (more than webhosting), I would have thought that they would have dedicated options. On most systems I see physical products and intangible product separated due to various options that would only apply to one but not the other. Lumping them into the "one size fits all" set of characteristics makes for a lot of figuring out how to untangle the two and many confused users.I mentioned that this was my "very quick first impression." The goal was to identify items that weren't obvious so as to help nail down some routine items that would probably be best served with a FAQ and that I'd miss. I'm glad to write one after I've set it up on my test site and donate it here. REALLY glad to see that all the low hanging fruit seems to be nailed down with Commerce.
March 9, 201510 yr Author On 3/9/2015 at 5:57 PM, Andy Millne said: The tool you are using does not appear to be reporting the redirect. I am seeing the same behavior Brandon described. initial request is redirected with a 303 (see other) response code.​After further review, this should be a 301 redirect. The URL has changed permanently. The 303 (See Other) would not appear to be appropriate. Perhaps IPS can explain why it is being used.
March 10, 201510 yr Author I have created a new website here for those who are curious to see what a home page can look like -- it's a major improvement over IPS 3 other than the article display, which I haven't been able to change. But it is challenging to figure out. Thoughts: 1. The need to switch designer mode on/off is very confusing in order to use the "Page Builder." 2. You can only edit non-active page templates in the Page Builder. 3. There are quirks and errors that occur and you'll need to refresh pages in order to get it to work. 4. I can't seem to get "article icons" to appear for the forum posts yet. I can't actually embed images anywhere in text either. Attaching images may be a limitation that can work in a forum but certainly not articles. I can't seem to find a way to insert an image into the text, e.g. wrap text around an image, nor can I assign an image (attached or not) to be the "post image" to display on a template. EDIT - It appears that the display is like a forum post with a forum icon. The "dot" appears in Firefox but not in Chrome (see attachment.) Other observations: I can't find a way to rename the Applications such as, e.g. "Pages" to "Articles" or "Mag" or "Written Stuff" The use of the term "topics" is confusing across the Suite. What does "create topic" mean to the average person? Must insert "forum topic" or "forum post" in order to make sense across the spectrum of the site, e.g Search "forum posts". Change entire "create new" menu to something that makes sense consistently --. actually, I'd say "Contribute" and not "create new" since "create new file download" is awkard as is "article in articles." Simple "Contribute" -- article, forum post, file, image, blog post, done. I am extremely confused about the Menu/Navigation. So there is an area called Systemp > "Applications" which has your apps. The main menu is automatically generated. You can't rename apps. And if you want to add items to the navigation, you have to go to Pages > Menu? I thought that we were trying to get away from sticking this stuff in IP.C. I just added an item in the "menu" and it's the only thing that appears. Can't find a way to reorder items in the menu because "Whatever" that I created in the "menu" in pages appears isolated from the other menu items in Systems > Applications. BUG - Reordering the menu in "applications" just made the "Pages" menu item disappear. Both "Support" and "Store" appear in the auto-generated menu. No way to show one or the other.
March 10, 201510 yr Author MENU / NAV Setup Procedure - I think the only logical thing to do is to hide every application under System > Applications and recreate the main menu the way you want which now appears in Pages < Menu. If you have no ability to sort the main menu in Applications then there really isn't any reason at all that it should even have controls to turn on/off in the Menu. The Menu should control what appears and, by default, IPS should just have entries to every stock app created there during the installation. That would make the most sense IMHO.Important Question: Why not move Menu to System or Customizations? What happens if you don't buy the Pages App -- no Menu control??BUG - I can't select and then click on the B icon to unbold already bolded text. Highly suggest again the "view source" icon to deal with interface quirks that can appear in browsers.
March 10, 201510 yr On 3/10/2015 at 2:22 PM, esquire said: I have created a new website hereBUG - I can't find a website (t)here.
March 10, 201510 yr Author On 3/10/2015 at 3:02 PM, Rici said: BUG - I can't find a website (t)here.​I just clicked that link and it went right to it. Perhaps the domain which was repointed about 30 hours ago didn't resolve or you need to do a refresh on your machine, e.g. ipconfig /flushdns . If that doesn't work, I'll send over the website in PM. I've customized the colors on the template and made use of all the modules and reorganized the home page to use blocks.
March 10, 201510 yr On 3/10/2015 at 3:05 PM, esquire said: ​I just clicked that link and it went right to it. Perhaps the domain which was repointed about 30 hours ago didn't resolve or you need to do a refresh on your machine, e.g. ipconfig /flushdns . If that doesn't work, I'll send over the website in PM. I've customized the colors on the template and made use of all the modules and reorganized the home page to use blocks.​If it is the same site you posted on TAZ then no. I can't see it either. It goes to some YOURLshortener site.
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