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Can individual Blogs be made members only?


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I don t have the Blog option yet but I want to give it to our members and the idea is that the blogs would be public to start with but I would need an option for each members to make their blog private themselves. Can this be done or are the permissions public or private for ALL?

The idea is that some members would like only other members to see their blog...can this be achieved and the member be in control to toggle the privacy themselves?

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Sorry I am a little confused about the blogs.

I just installed the blog application and it seems I can only create blogs from the Admin section and users can not create their own from their profile or by going to the blog area

Is this disabled at the moment and where are the settings to let users be able to start their own blog?

I found the permission area where you can allow guests to see the blogs but I can t make members be able to create their own blog apparently I need to create them per user through the ACP...I must be doing something wrong

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