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Chameleon Dark // ipsfocus.com


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Chameleon Dark // ipsfocus.com

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Chameleon Dark by ipsfocus

Chameleon Dark is an adaptive skin which uses semi-transparent "frosted glass" content boxes, allowing your background image to partially show through. This allows you to easily customize the genre of the theme by changing only the background image. The header collapses on-scroll, and stays at the top of the screen for easy access.


Themes features

Theme Settings
Easily enable, disable or modify theme features such as background images, logos, social media links, guest messages and colors. This makes modifications and upgrades very simple since little code changes are required.


Sticky, shrinking header
The header shrinks in size and sticks to the top of the page for easy access to user controls and the board index.


Frosted Glass content boxes
Your background image is displayed beneath your content boxes which have a frosted glass effect (available in all modern browsers except IE and Edge).


Background picker
If enabled, your members can choose their own background image from a predefined selection and their choice is saved via cookies.


Guest message
A customizable message can be shown to guests, prompting them to either register or login to your forum. Two designs, "billboard" and "alert" (shown) are available.


Social links
Over 20 social links can be enabled/disabled and customized to your own URL, allowing you to easily link to your social network pages (facebook, twitter, etc). If your site doesn't exist, it's easy to add custom icons to the list!


HTML logo with slogan
Easily add/edit your text logo and slogan from within the theme settings. If required, the text can be replaced by an image instead.


Mega Footer
A mega footer with configurable column numbers and content can be enabled and customized all within the theme settings.


High quality on every screen!
By using scalable fonts and css effects to create the theme, it'll look great on any screen - even ones with high resolutions!


Want to see more? Check out the screenshots and live demo on IPSFocus!



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  • 1 year later...

Chameleon Dark // ipsfocus.com

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Chameleon by ipsfocus

Chameleon Dark is an adaptive skin which uses semi-transparent "frosted glass" content boxes, allowing your background image to partially show through. This allows you to easily customize the genre of the theme by changing only the background image. The header collapses on-scroll, and stays at the top of the screen for easy access.


Themes features

Theme Settings
Easily enable, disable or modify theme features such as background images, logos, social media links, guest messages and colors. This makes modifications and upgrades very simple since little code changes are required.


Sticky, shrinking header
The header shrinks in size and sticks to the top of the page for easy access to user controls and the board index.


Frosted Glass content boxes
Your background image is displayed beneath your content boxes which have a frosted glass effect (available in all modern browsers except IE and Edge).


Background picker
If enabled, your members can choose their own background image from a predefined selection and their choice is saved via cookies.


Guest message
A customizable message can be shown to guests, prompting them to either register or login to your forum. Two designs, "billboard" and "alert" (shown) are available.


Social links
Over 20 social links can be enabled/disabled and customized to your own URL, allowing you to easily link to your social network pages (facebook, twitter, etc). If your site doesn't exist, it's easy to add custom icons to the list!


HTML logo with slogan
Easily add/edit your text logo and slogan from within the theme settings. If required, the text can be replaced by an image instead.


Mega Footer
A mega footer with configurable column numbers and content can be enabled and customized all within the theme settings.


High quality on every screen!
By using scalable fonts and css effects to create the theme, it'll look great on any screen - even ones with high resolutions!


Want to see more? Check out the screenshots and live demo on IPSFocus!



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  • 7 months later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 5 months later...

I would like to blue articles and the comment boxes, how I can do this if this could be posaible?

I had found this script:

{{if theme.bonusToggle}}
if (detectDevice() > 25){
	// Add blurred elements only on desktop
	var addBlurTo = ".ipsBreadcrumb, #header, #userBar, #ipsf_picker, .ipsButtonBar, .ipsfocus_megaFooter, .ipsWidget, .ipsPageHeader, #ipsLayout_footer, {{if theme.simpleTopicLayout}}.cTopic .ipsBox.cPost, {{endif}} .ipsfocus_guestBillboard";
	$( addBlurTo ).prepend( "<div class='blur-image-wrap'><div class='blur-image'></div></div>" );
	$( ".blur-image-wrap").each(function(){
	    // Windows offset needs to be different due to scrollbar
	    if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac OS X') != -1) {
	        // Mac
	        var boxPositionTop = $(this).offset().top - 5;
	        var boxPositionLeft = $(this).offset().left - 5;
	    } else {
	        // PC
	        var boxPositionTop = $(this).offset().top + 3;
	        var boxPositionLeft = $(this).offset().left + 3;
	    $(this).css({ "background-position" : "-" + boxPositionLeft + "px -" + boxPositionTop + "px" });



Edited by DannyPhantom
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1 minute ago, DannyPhantom said:

I would like to blue articles and the comment boxes, how I can do this if thia could be posaible?

Can you please post a link to your articles and comment box pages? Just so I can check the code :)

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  • 10 months later...

Hey @ehren. ,

I just wanted to check if you have any sort of ETA for the 4.3 updates and if you're already working on them. I know 4.3 is still in beta, but I'd love to be able to upgrade ASAP but that won't be possible as the search functionality is broken on the theme.

Thank you for any updates. Love your work!

Edited by pndemc
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3 hours ago, pndemc said:

Hey @ehren. ,

I just wanted to check if you have any sort of ETA for the 4.3 updates and if you're already working on them. I know 4.3 is still in beta, but I'd love to be able to upgrade ASAP but that won't be possible as the search functionality is broken on the theme.

Thank you for any updates. Love your work!


The 4.3 updates will be started once 4.3.0 Final is released. My themes have never supported beta versions, sorry about that!

I'll aim to have the themes updated within the first week of 4.3.0 though :)

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  • 1 year later...

@ehren. Hi, just purchased this theme and I am having some issues. How can I edit the theme to fit the entire background page? At the moment the theme stops half way through the forums (http://prntscr.com/q45ts1)

Also the image seems to be way too zoomed in, doesn't matter what picture I upload. What resolution does the background image need to be?

Thank you

Edited by GTAPoliceMods
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Hi @GTAPoliceMods

There's a tutorial teaching you how to edit the background on the ipsfocus website. I've copy/pasted it here for you which should hopefully help you custimize your background 🙂


Due to Chameleons blur and gradient effects, the process for adding backgrounds requires an extra step compared to other themes.


This tutorial assumes I have uploaded an image under the "Background Picker" tab, in the "Image 2" slot. The image is 1600px in width and 1667px in height. These 3 values are necessary for this tutorial.

Once you have uploaded your image, return to your theme list and press "Edit HTML and CSS". Choose the CSS tab, and open custom.css. This file will be pre-filled with background image sizes. Since we uploaded the image to "Image 2", all of our classes will be prefixed with .ipsfocus_bg2

If you have disabled the background picker, replace .ipsfocus_bgx with .ipsApp


To scale the image so it occupies 100% browser width (this is the default setting), use the following but replace 1600 and 1667 with your own image dimensions.

{{if theme.picker_i2}}
	.ipsfocus_bg2 .background,
	.ipsfocus_bg2 .box-blur{
		background-size: auto calc(1667 / 1600 * 100vw);
	.ipsfocus_bg2 .box-blur-image{
		max-height: calc(1667 / 1600 * 100vw);


You can stop the tutorial at this stage if you just needed to change the image dimensions. The rest of the tutorial will explain how to customize the background further, however it's not necessary to follow any more steps.


To use a fixed image height, use this code instead and replace 1400px with any pixel value - it doesn't need to match the actual height of the image which you uploaded. Any value will work.

{{if theme.picker_i2}}
	.ipsfocus_bg2 .background,
	.ipsfocus_bg2 .box-blur{
		background-size: auto 1400px;
	.ipsfocus_bg2 .box-blur-image{
		max-height: 1400px;



To remove the gradient which is used to fade your image into a hex colour, add the following to the end of custom.css

.ipsfocus_bg2 .background:before,
.ipsfocus_bg2 .box-blur:after{
    display: none;



To use a fixed image when the page is scrolled, add the following to the end of custom.css. Due to the CPU power required, the blur effect (in browsers which don't support backdrop-filter) is removed when background images are changed to 'fixed'.

.ipsfocus_bg2 .background{
    position: fixed;
    .ipsfocus_bg2 .box-blur{
	    display: none;



To remove the pattern overlay, add this to the end of custom.css

.ipsfocus_bg2 .background:after{
    display: none;



If you want to use a repeating pattern instead of a large background image, add this to the end of custom.css. The 500px value is the height of the pattern which you uploaded:

.ipsfocus_bg2 .background,
.ipsfocus_bg2 .box-blur-image:before{
	background-repeat: repeat;
	background-size: auto 500px;

.ipsfocus_bg2 .box-blur-image{
	max-height: none;
    /* Remove gradient and overlay for patterns */
    .ipsfocus_bg2 .background:before,
    .ipsfocus_bg2 .background:after,
    .ipsfocus_bg2 .box-blur:after{
	    display: none;


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/1/2019 at 9:11 PM, ehren. said:

Hi @GTAPoliceMods

There's a tutorial teaching you how to edit the background on the ipsfocus website. I've copy/pasted it here for you which should hopefully help you custimize your background 🙂


Due to Chameleons blur and gradient effects, the process for adding backgrounds requires an extra step compared to other themes.


This tutorial assumes I have uploaded an image under the "Background Picker" tab, in the "Image 2" slot. The image is 1600px in width and 1667px in height. These 3 values are necessary for this tutorial.

Once you have uploaded your image, return to your theme list and press "Edit HTML and CSS". Choose the CSS tab, and open custom.css. This file will be pre-filled with background image sizes. Since we uploaded the image to "Image 2", all of our classes will be prefixed with .ipsfocus_bg2

If you have disabled the background picker, replace .ipsfocus_bgx with .ipsApp


To scale the image so it occupies 100% browser width (this is the default setting), use the following but replace 1600 and 1667 with your own image dimensions.

{{if theme.picker_i2}}
	.ipsfocus_bg2 .background,
	.ipsfocus_bg2 .box-blur{
		background-size: auto calc(1667 / 1600 * 100vw);
	.ipsfocus_bg2 .box-blur-image{
		max-height: calc(1667 / 1600 * 100vw);


You can stop the tutorial at this stage if you just needed to change the image dimensions. The rest of the tutorial will explain how to customize the background further, however it's not necessary to follow any more steps.


To use a fixed image height, use this code instead and replace 1400px with any pixel value - it doesn't need to match the actual height of the image which you uploaded. Any value will work.

{{if theme.picker_i2}}
	.ipsfocus_bg2 .background,
	.ipsfocus_bg2 .box-blur{
		background-size: auto 1400px;
	.ipsfocus_bg2 .box-blur-image{
		max-height: 1400px;



To remove the gradient which is used to fade your image into a hex colour, add the following to the end of custom.css

.ipsfocus_bg2 .background:before,
.ipsfocus_bg2 .box-blur:after{
    display: none;



To use a fixed image when the page is scrolled, add the following to the end of custom.css. Due to the CPU power required, the blur effect (in browsers which don't support backdrop-filter) is removed when background images are changed to 'fixed'.

.ipsfocus_bg2 .background{
    position: fixed;
    .ipsfocus_bg2 .box-blur{
	    display: none;



To remove the pattern overlay, add this to the end of custom.css

.ipsfocus_bg2 .background:after{
    display: none;



If you want to use a repeating pattern instead of a large background image, add this to the end of custom.css. The 500px value is the height of the pattern which you uploaded:

.ipsfocus_bg2 .background,
.ipsfocus_bg2 .box-blur-image:before{
	background-repeat: repeat;
	background-size: auto 500px;

.ipsfocus_bg2 .box-blur-image{
	max-height: none;
    /* Remove gradient and overlay for patterns */
    .ipsfocus_bg2 .background:before,
    .ipsfocus_bg2 .background:after,
    .ipsfocus_bg2 .box-blur:after{
	    display: none;


@ehren.Thank you for the tutorial and I apologize for the delay in response!

I tried messing with the settings in the Theme but is there anyway for me to edit the amount of transparency in the overall background? In my opinion there is too much transparency within our forums.

Thank you!

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3 minutes ago, GTAPoliceMods said:

I tried messing with the settings in the Theme but is there anyway for me to edit the amount of transparency in the overall background? In my opinion there is too much transparency within our forums.

Adding this to custom.css should do the trick!

.ipsBox:not( .ipsBox_transparent ):not( .ipsModerated ),
.ipsBox, .ipsPageHeader, .focus-topic-compact .focus-topic, .ipsPager, .ipsWidget, .ipsBox_alt, #comments, 
.focus-pickerWrap, .ipsfocus_megaFooter{
  background-color: {hextorgb="area_background_reset" opacity="0.9"};

Change the 0.9 value until you're happy with the result. It should be between 0 and 1.

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  • 10 months later...
  • 8 months later...
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