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Is there a way to import just one section of your table (Members table) into your forums in less than a hour? I'm copying and pasting each query which is like 10k members which is going to take me a while. I'm sure there is a program out there.

There is also 500k posts I have to do and that's going to be a pain to copy/paste.

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Assuming you have phpmyadmin, log in to it. (This is the easiest way, not the most efficient and not the fastest)

Go to export > then custom.
Select the table you want and click export (possibly with drop if exists statement). Then you can import only that table.

I'm also assuming your php limits are set high enough for phpmyadmin to do this. :D
If not, well... you know where to find us. lol

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Assuming you have phpmyadmin, log in to it. (This is the easiest way, not the most efficient and not the fastest)

Go to export > then custom.

Select the table you want and click export (possibly with drop if exists statement). Then you can import only that table.

I'm also assuming your php limits are set high enough for phpmyadmin to do this. :D

If not, well... you know where to find us. lol

Yeah, that's what I did. I had to scroll through Notepad and kept highlighting words. I forgot to use SSH to do the separate parts for the database.I always used SSH for a complete database.
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Oops. sorry. Misread.

Then when using mysqldump tool, append the parameter
--where="id = 5"
(with the actual condition). to make partial selections.

Full docs:

So... something like

mysqldump -t -u [username] -p [database name] [table name] --where="id =1" > output.sql

-t is so you don't generate the table information. aka --no-create-info
-u for user...
-p for password
then select db name and table name.

Look at manual for more details.

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