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Move certain ACP content to /public/ folder.


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Okay in another topic, idea was mangled, strangled, killed, mutilated and all but destroyed. So here's another one which would accomplish the same idea with an added benefit.

Idea here is to move certain content, such as images, from the ACP area into the /public/ folder or at least somewhere that it won't matter if someone gains access to it. After all, if someone manages to view an image that's used within the ACP but they don't learn of the ACP folder, then what harm is done?

So as an example, moving images to /public/acp_images/ or /public/acp_resources/images/ or something, with a structure under that. If any images are needed, they can be safely referenced without revealing the ACP location. Not only that, but could also be used on CDN's, so that more load is put on the CDN, even if it's usually a small load since the ACP isn't a high volume section anyway.

Just tossing it out there.

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What's the goal / advantage?

Would be able to use those images if needed/wanted without any worries of giving away the location of the ACP and without requiring someone to upload an image that they already have a copy of.

Are you leaking ACP images somehow?

Nope, don't have any unusual bladder problems.
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