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Midnight Modding

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I don't care. I'm wondering why they did it. Also, at first glance you can't get a name formatted and still have it be the style with hovering. Well not in an ideal way, anyway. And so now I have to either have my apps color them when the rest of ipb doesn't or I have top leave it uncolkored. A hook wouldn't color them everywhere. They could maybe change css to autoamtically color names with that hvoer effect, but even then some instances won't be colored.


using makeNameFormatted does still work along with the hover link style. Although I have a feeling some certain html may break it. For now I'm leaving names colored, but it's a bit annoying that the rest of ipb scrapped it so now it won't be consistent. Maybe I'll make a color setting...


That does me no good as I only care for my apps I'm releasing. Although thanks anyway as I may want that for myself later.

As a note though I did just add in a setting where memebrs who use my mod can decide whether to have them colored where applicable.


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