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3.2 - Painfully slow loading smilies / emoticons


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For some reason the smiley navigation is terribly slow in 3.2

I'd assumed that once all the smileys were cached, that I'd be able to flip left/right at virtually instant speed, but the board seems to load each itteration regardless of which direction I navigate in and how few/many of them I've prevously loaded.

Also, if I click quickly on the side navigation arrows it stops working altogether.

Just wanted to give feedback in case this is a common problem people are experiencing, or whether it is (as yet) and unfinished part of the project. :)

Shaun :D


For some reason the smiley navigation is terribly slow in 3.2

I'd assumed that once all the smileys were cached, that I'd be able to flip left/right at virtually instant speed, but the board seems to load each itteration regardless of which direction I navigate in and how few/many of them I've prevously loaded.

Also, if I click quickly on the side navigation arrows it stops working altogether.

Just wanted to give feedback in case this is a common problem people are experiencing, or whether it is (as yet) and unfinished part of the project. :smile:


Shaun :D

Agreed IPB seem to be removing or hiding things best they can that they don't like in this version, the old way was best. (3.1)


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