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Download: (DB23) Invitation System


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File Name: (DB23) Invitation System
File Submitter: Spanner
File Submitted: 07 Aug 2009
File Category: Components

What is (DB23) Invitation System?

It is a modification for IP.Board Forum in 2.3.x version,which enables registration on the forum after giving the correct invitation code.


Administration Panel

  • Ability to turn on / off the modification
  • Ability to give invitatiOns to certain groups of users
  • Ability tO give unlimited amount of invitations to certain groups of users
  • Access to statistics: who invited most people, ....
  • Ability to define invitation's validity
  • Ability to definE account's validity after registration (before confirming)
  • Ability to change the number of invitations for every user individually
  • Ability to define allowed domains, on which users will send emails
  • Ability to inform the user about received invitations and havig their y number through email / PM. PM is sent to user of ID 1
  • Ability to define in which gruops the new user should be after confirming the account by inviting person

User's Panel

  • Ability to send invitatios
  • Invitatios valid throug x hours. After this time they lose their validity. The user who sends an invitation receives this invitation back
  • After registration the user who sent the invitation has x days to confirm the invited person's account. After this time the account will be removed and the user will receive the invitation back.
  • After accepting the user goes to the group which is defined by the administrator
  • In the controll panel user sees how many invitations he has to use and if he was invited he sees also who invited him
  • In the controll panel user has a list of all the users that he invited and also list of users who need to be confirmed
  • In the user's profile view on the left there are information how many users he invited
  • In the user's profile view on the left administrators see how many invitations user has
  • In the profile view there is a tab, which shows last 10 users registered after inviting and accepting them










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