Invision Community 4: SEO, prepare for v5 and dormant account notifications By Matt November 11, 2024
Zepher Posted August 17, 2009 Posted August 17, 2009 Because of the flexibility of the posting system and BBcodes, I was wondering if there are more available for import. Are they a standard xml type that we can find on the web, or do we need to compile it for IPB3? I noticed the twitter BBcode tag and wondered what others were available. It's a pretty good posting system. Tables would be nice + others like text wrap around photos, Styling options for artilces like stylized text quotes, columns and tables and some others come to mind. Also integration BBcodes for popular online 3rd party apps photo services (place shutterflly), myspace/facebook content, etc --> all utilized on blogs and posts....
bfarber Posted August 17, 2009 Posted August 17, 2009 BBCodes can be created in the ACP, exported, and shared on resource sites. There are a couple shared here, but really it's not overly difficult to add what you need in the ACP yourself. :)
Zepher Posted August 17, 2009 Author Posted August 17, 2009 Found some:[gmap] Gmap -this tag allows you to embed google maps. Use the html code from the link option of the map. from another board's mods: Font Type (Dropdown Shows Actual Preview of Font) - Font Size (Dropdown Shows Actual Preview of Size) - Font Color (Dropdown Features New Colors, and Preview) - Justify Align - Left Align - Center Align - Right Align - Superscript - Subscript - Bold - Italic - Underline - Strikethrough - Text Fade (IE Only) - Text Gradient (IE Only) - Message Box Align Left (Traditional) - Message Box Align Right (Arabic, etc) - Marquee Down - Marquee Up - Marquee Left - Marquee Right - Code - Quote - Spoiler (User must click on link to review text within tags) - Hyperlink Wizard - Email Wizard - Include Webpage Wizard (Adds Iframe that displays page specified by user) - Image Wizard - Flash Wizard - Streaming Video Wizard - Streaming Audio Wizard - RAM Wizard (Real Media Audio) - Ordered List Wizard - Unordered List Wizard - Line Break - Remove BBCode (Removes all BBCode tags from selected text) - Close Tags (Closes remaining open tags) - Google video - Youtube Video Also found a mod for another board that "adds lots of useful BBCode features and makes the bbcodebuttons look just like Microsoft Office 2003. It also improves thefunctions of phpBB's BBCode function. It adds the bbcode exactly wherethe cursor is, inserts smilies where the cursor is, and adds more waysto customize posts. The MOD is very fast loading, and is a sleekaddition to your phpBB bulletin board." + OTHERS ---> [abbr=Simple Machines Forum]SMF[/abbr]The abbr tag allows you to specify abbreviations with titles, which are usually displayed when you hover. The abbr and acronymtags are usually displayed the same in browsers, and you can use eitherdepending on whether you want to display abbreviations, acronyms orjust have extra information. This is an inline tag and no block leveltags can be placed inside, however other inline tags can be if nestedcorrectly.SMFThe acronym tag allows you to specify acronyms with titles, which are usually displayed when you hover. The abbr and acronymtags are usually displayed the same in browsers, and you can use eitherdepending on whether you want to display abbreviations, acronyms orjust have extra information. This is an inline tag and no block leveltags can be placed inside, however other inline tags can be if nestedcorrectly."]Unknown W. BracketsIf the acronym's title contains complex characters, place it in quotes. [anchor=id]text or more BB Code[/anchor]The anchor tag produces an anchor which can then be linked to, for example the anchor to the right.The anchor in the html is actually prefixed with "post_". This is aninline tag and no block level tags can be placed inside, however otherinline tags can be if nested correctly. [tr][td]text or[/td][td]more[/td][/tr] [tr][td]BB[/td][td]Code[/td][/tr] [/table]The tdtag produces table cells, sometimes called table columns. They producestandard html <td> elements, and are displayed the same. This isa block level tag, and can contain any other tag, but must be placedonly in tr tags.text ormoreBBCode [me=username]does an action[/me]The me tag formats text in the style of the IRC action command. This is a block level tag.Rainbow text effectSearch in search enginesYahoo Online Status Warning BBcode DownloadPaypal AccountBackground Color other: [thread] Thread Linking Post Linking [noparse] Stop BB Code Parsing [box] Box [frame] Frame [glow] Glow Image Alignment [mp3] MP3 [ooc] Out of Character Spoiler [table] table [thumb] Thumb Not sure what others are out there or if older BBcode mods can be isntalled, but the code is there, just needs icons, etc.... be nice as a hook or xml import file. abbr Abbreviation acronym Acronym anchor Anchor ftp Ftp hyperlink [ftp][/ftp]The ftptag makes ftp hyperlinks. If a single ftp url is placed inside thetags, then a link will be made to that ftp url. How these links areopened depends on your browser, althought the default behaviour is toopen in a new window. table Table [table][/table]The table tags, along with the tr and tdtags are used to produce tables. These three tags correspond to theirhtml equivalents, however there are fewer options in the BB Codes. Thetable by itself does not produce any visible output. This is a blocklevel tag, however it can only contain tr tags. td Table cell [table] time Time tr Table row [table][tr][/tr][/table]The tr tag corresponds to the html table row. By itself it produces no visible output. Table rows must be placed inside tables and can only contain td tags. tt Teletype [tt]text or more BB Code[/tt]The ttag styles text with a fixed-width teletype font. This is an inline tagand no block level tags can be placed inside, however other inline tagscan be if nested correctly.text or more BB Code hr Horizontal rule me Me (IRC action) php PHP highlighting<?php echo "Hello world!"; ?> The phptag colors text with php syntax. This is a block level tag, however notags can be placed inside as they will all be formatted according tophp syntax. Indent Email Linking Code [/url] PHP Code [url=""][html][/url] HTML Code The hr tag places a horizontal rule at that location in the text. Note there is no closing tag, and that this is a block level tag.
Ciwan Posted September 11, 2009 Posted September 11, 2009 Guys does this have any connection, with this thread I've started :( I'm a total n00b so I don't know :( If you are interested let me know please. Thank You.
TracyIsland Posted September 12, 2011 Posted September 12, 2011 Hi - Pulling out an old topic - the links in this topic from 2009 are no longer valid. Brandon's link to the resources section just takes me to the Marketplace. I need to add some BBC codes so that the image caption I added to my article will open allow the link I added in the caption to open in a new tab or window of my browser. Right now, when I click on the link, the current article display is replaced with the destination of the clicked link. Thanks for any ideas you have. Brian
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