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Features I think IPB 3 should have.

Guest Connor T

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Please don't flame this, I just think these NEED to be included.

  • Ability to have both pip rank and user group image without mod
  • Remove <span> tags from URL top thingy when used in username
  • Allow you to select group color which is then used EVERYWHERE on forum
  • Group Legend on list of online members
  • Quick ban features under the click of name
  • Manually re-order navigation bar
  • Easier way to delete moderators (Example, I had about 30 mods in 55 forums, I changed it to groups and had to manually remove mod privileges per forum.)

1. suggested already
2. likely gone already in 3.0
3. Good idea, but the current system more than can do that
4. not entirely sure about this one
5. Suggested, multiple times
6. Very good idea
7. Suggested already.


Ability to have both pip rank and user group image without mod

I don't want this, and I thinnk a lot of others don't want this either

Remove <span> tags from URL top thingy when used in username

I have no idea what you're talking about. ^^;;;

Allow you to select group color which is then used EVERYWHERE on forum

I agree that names should be colored on posts (like they were in IPB 1.x), but I think that's it, I really don't want it like phpBB where it indeed does use colored names pretty much everywhere.

Group Legend on list of online members

Best left as a mod.

Quick ban features under the click of name

It saves one click, and only if in a thread... I don't think it's needed, but would make a nice mod.

Manually re-order navigation bar

This is REALLY needed in my opinion.

Easier way to delete moderators (Example, I had about 30 mods in 55 forums, I changed it to groups and had to manually remove mod privileges per forum.)

+ 1, I also want to be able to add mods by category, that would cut down on privileges some admins need to set.
  • Real submenu, with lists
  • Each component has its own menu link
  • Ability to put number of posts, members, new members etc. on a skin without editing source files
  • URL rewriting
  • Real multilangual board
  • No image buttons anymore (just a single background image for all buttons)
  • Let's make it social man, ability to put a background image in your profile, move profile blocks, etc, put some videos and music, etc.
  • Ban members real fast


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